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Trundle Build Guide by redredredred

Trundle Tanking the Jungle

Trundle Tanking the Jungle

Updated on August 11, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author redredredred Build Guide By redredredred 12,429 Views 1 Comments
12,429 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author redredredred Trundle Build Guide By redredredred Updated on August 11, 2013
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This is my first guide so I am not going to make it too wordy. If you have any questions or suggestions please send me a message and I will reflect it in my summary.


Max chomp first to increase overall damage which helps with ganks and clears. Pillar of Ice(E) should be maxed at next due to the reduced cooldown timer and increase slow, this will greatly help you if you catch someone out of place or if you need to save a team mate. Frozen Kingdom(W) is a great skill but should be maxed last due to the fact that it doesnt help your peel potential or your ability to catch carries after they have left the area.

9/21/0- Your job is to tank so this mastery tree is pretty self explanatory. The reason I go 9/21/0 instead of 0/21/9 is for the increase damage/clear times/gank potential.

Attack speed scales great with W. Move speed quints help the ganks and global map pressure. Seals and glyphs are pretty self explainatory.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author redredredred
redredredred Trundle Guide
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