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Twisted Fate Build Guide by Zhytwos

AP Carry twisted fate how to carry team

AP Carry twisted fate how to carry team

Updated on March 19, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zhytwos Build Guide By Zhytwos 2,785 Views 0 Comments
2,785 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zhytwos Twisted Fate Build Guide By Zhytwos Updated on March 19, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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My very first guide ever. sorry if this is quite messed up i am just testing. :)

Anyways i am zhytwos i am currently playing in league of legends ph. but i am interested in creating some champ guides. and i am a platinum 4 player. this is my very first guide but i hope that my skills would improve in doing this kind of stuffs :) thanks!!

Now. Twisted Fate is one of the most interesting champ in league. he gives a decent cc with gold card. decent damage. but the only problem for tf is that. you should choose the right card for the right situation in order to survive the gank. so hourglass will come in handy.

i will be posting a vid here playing my twisted fate. but it might not be today. i am currently busy with my real life xD Okay guys have fun gaining elo :))

PS: Always use your ss dont make it passive. :) here is a sample vid. it isnt that much but hope you like it :) Here is the vid :)

By the way guys. i am not from NA or EU so you wont find my account in lol king :/ sorry about that but hope that you would watch my future vids and read more about my guides :) thanks in advance have a great day!!
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Pros / Cons

Almost unlimited mana.
Good Pokes.
Decent CC
Fast counter gank.
Burst champ even you build him some health stuffs.
can carry noob teams
you can xpeke the team.

Handle with care
pls dont gank me
reliant to flash.
when you get targeted in a clash. you have 10% to survive depending on your team mates.
xpeke xD
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Ranked Play

that is my rank, and my rankgames with twisted fate this season :)

i will be adding my own video playing twisted fate in a rank team here. stay tuned
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Twisted fate is a fun champ.

this should be the item order in almost any rank games in order to carry your team :))

Chalice of harmony >> Magic pen >> Hourglass >> Rabadon >> voidstaff >> lichbane>>
use this item sequence if you are fighting against squishy team.

Morel >> magic pen >> hourglass >> raba >> rylai >> liandry >> against ad team (no ap)/tank team.

Chalice of harmony>> abyssal >> magicpen >> Liandry >> Rylai >> Rabadon
Against burst ap teams/ tanky ap teams
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zhytwos
Zhytwos Twisted Fate Guide
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twisted fate how to carry team

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