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Twitch Build Guide by Xyjam

AD Carry Twitch EpicBuild

AD Carry Twitch EpicBuild

Updated on February 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xyjam Build Guide By Xyjam 1,772 Views 0 Comments
1,772 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Xyjam Twitch Build Guide By Xyjam Updated on February 16, 2013
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Epic Build

Hello everybody.
This is my first guide here on mobafire. Thank you for watching this build. I want to upload every week one or two guides from another champion. You can give me suggestions for chamions of witch i should make a build. Please give me comments, what i can do better.

Sry for my bad english!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Twitch very good AD Carry

Twitch is a very good AD Carry. That means: play him on bot lane. He is a champion who kills the enemy very fast but you have to look at your health.
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For an AD Carry is attack demage very important. But don't forget to buy items for attack speed, critical chance and lifesteel (lifesteel because Twitch die very fast). With Bloodthirster you become attack damage and life steel. I think this item is with Twitch very important.
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I would recommend you Flash and Ignite. You can also use Cleanse in instead of ignite because of the venom.
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Start with the E expunge than the Q Ambush and at last the W Venom Caskbecause you only use the W to slow the enemy. Your R Spray and Pray every time when you can upgrade it (Lv. 6,11,16)
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AD Masteries and AD Runes ( AD = Attack damage, attack speed,... )
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xyjam
Xyjam Twitch Guide
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Twitch EpicBuild

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