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Twitch Build Guide by Gaming Sewer

Twitch: Sewerspawn (Read the notes)

Twitch: Sewerspawn (Read the notes)

Updated on January 29, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gaming Sewer Build Guide By Gaming Sewer 11,635 Views 0 Comments
11,635 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Gaming Sewer Twitch Build Guide By Gaming Sewer Updated on January 29, 2016
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"You accused me of making a bad build... not I'm getting my revenge!" -Kog'Maw 2011

I play only ranked, alot of ranked team (I run 2 own teams) and I play frequently with diamond players, if that's is relevent is for you to decide. I have picked up some stuff however much is from my own playing. I currently have 13,3-7 as average stats with twitch this season, however silver players are worthless at peeling so I have negative winratino currently (I'm making a video on peeling pretty soon). :p

I am a very experianced Twitch player. How do you know? Well you don't. I wont provide any username for the moment since I just ****ed my placement matched up and now I'm in ****ing silver. However I can provide my first account that I transfered to russia back in season 3...

SiB CloakTurtle. Sadly I have nothing else on that account (I didnt know that the ping would be over 250 even though my 300 MBit/s internet). I also couldnt transfer back without playing (Riot have never regained my respect since that that). When I whined to Rito they threatened to suspend my account.

I'm starting a YouTube channel were I speak about strategies that's named Green Sewer. Feel free to subscribe, however I dont have much content right now.

Early Items:

Doran's Blade Best start, you're pretty squishy. You can keep this item for a while.

B. F. Sword First back best choise.

Zeal Will provide great early fighting with your AD (if you decide not to get this you really should consider berserker's greaves for boots).


Berserker's Greaves Strong boots, works well early when you're running alot of AD.

Boots of Swiftness My second choise for ealy kiting and escaping.

Mobility Boots Good roaming boots, if you're destroying bot very early.

Late Game:

Infinity Edge Must-have for twitch, we're a basic attack marksman, not a on-hit-god like Kog'Maw.

Phantom Dancer Even though I didnt include this above it's a pretty slid item if you decide to run it with Death's Dance.

Youmuu's Ghostblade Jesus christ this is strong on twitch, it works so well to combine with your ambush, or just for extra movement speed when escaping.

Bloodthirster Strong as hell, this is your hardcore option instead of Blade of the Ruined King.

Death's Dance You doesnt really need it beacuse your AOE abilities get bonus lifesteal, lifesteal already aplies to your ultimate. However the damage reduction stacks very well with high lifesteal builds such as BT build. Also works nice with Phantom Dancer's passive.

Mercurial Scimitar It's a very nice item against cc, or just bonus magic resist against Porco Rosso ( Corki).


Farsight Alteration Very nice item if you want to keep track of you opponents or if you need vision for a good ult over a wall.

Sweeping Lens Dumb as ********, you have one skillshot who doesnt give you vision for a very long time, no need for this **** to know where your opponents is. You danger when playing later is to be seen while stealthing, for that this is kinda good if you support sucks duck and cant clear. But the green wards are just your tool for opponents to feel safe later, when you're stealthed.

Elixir of Wrath Good when you have nothing left to buy... you dont want to buy Elixir of Iron beacuse it will make you a bigger target (yes it makes big ****ing difference ****).


This build is just for ranked plays, if you're playing normals without runes/masteries you should rather go 3x bloodthirsters and 3x phantom dancers. No need to follow this elite build, you'll most likely not be able to use the youmuu's properly at that level.

There are a couple videos you can watch if you want info on how you should play twitch.

This is one of my own videos, that's about very basic map control, this really hasnt much to do with the build, however I'd live if you checked it out!
This video shows a very high ELO Twitch who actually dares to make some play, making tricks with his Ambush (Q) is also very good, get them low and then stealth in to pick kills/deal lethal damage.
Here we have the infamous General TheOddOne that is playing against a high ELO jungle Twitch. The focus in on The General however he's speaking alot (season 5 but still usefull)


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Twitch General Info MUST READ!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gaming Sewer
Gaming Sewer Twitch Guide
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