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Twitch Build Guide by Polethius

AP Carry Twitch the Poisonbringer

AP Carry Twitch the Poisonbringer

Updated on May 11, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Polethius Build Guide By Polethius 2,349 Views 0 Comments
2,349 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Polethius Twitch Build Guide By Polethius Updated on May 11, 2013
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Hey, my name is Polethius

First of all, please do not downgrade right away but take the time to give me some feedback so I can improve the guide even more. Thnx.

I've been playing Twitch for quiet some time now and he is one of my favorite adc's.

Deadly Venom gives all of Twitch basic attacks poison that deals damage over time and stacks up to 6 times. Ambush helps him pick up easy kills and get out of nasty situations without too much trouble. Venom Cask has a mass slow which is insane for adc's and also applies poison. expunge is a great finisher if you have stacked enough poison on your foes. His final ability Spray and Pray shoots bolts of poison that apply true damage and move through all enemies in it's line.

So, I like this champ, let's find out if you like it too after using this guide...

The rest of the guide is comming soon but it is late and I need some sleep...

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Polethius
Polethius Twitch Guide
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