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Twitch Build Guide by Notrajiv

AD Carry Twitch with a twist

AD Carry Twitch with a twist

Updated on February 21, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Notrajiv Build Guide By Notrajiv 4,506 Views 1 Comments
4,506 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Notrajiv Twitch Build Guide By Notrajiv Updated on February 21, 2014
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This guide is pretty dope, it is for twitch whos a great kid, follow to win.
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You will never lose again as it is next to #impossible with the speed and crit you will never loose again please like it and make sure to use it with every champ not just twitch, gl u will always be op. a little info on myself i am really good so you dont have to worry i make other play envy of my precise plays that i make in a blink of a second, you can hollar this build into play for premium experiences in games and lots of
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Pros / Cons

you will always win
you might now always win
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with this build you dont need to farm with all of that good crit if you farm you might not be able to win.
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Ranked Play

In ranked just get diamond 1 dont worry about it just get er done.
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Unique Skills

To play this you need to be a pro please dont play this if u main champs that arent twitch, twitch is my main when i dont main other stuff i main her real well.
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Unique Skills

I personally have no other unique skills besides a 100 kill game once, it was crazy i think my parents are proud of me now. Also i am diamond 1 like i said and have over 456 wins with twitch and run a intel core i1 computer which is pretty impressive, i dont have a graphics card but it still goes good all around though just swag it out and win, always finish never surrender.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Notrajiv
Notrajiv Twitch Guide
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Twitch with a twist

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