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I do not have a lot of time on my hands so please read the cheatsheet notes.
My runes may look very odd, because of the fact that I have no defense at all. This guide is completely focused on violating the enemy team and their turrets.
Quints of attack speed
These are mainly for taking turrets and to boost your sustain in Turtle Stance.
Crit Chance Yellows
Now these, they are glorious on Udyr. With his high attack speed, he can land a lot of crits, and with IE and 200+ AD and your Tiger stance passive, it does huge burst damage.
Attack Damage Blues and Reds
Pretty self explanatory, helps with getting first blood.
Quints of attack speed
These are mainly for taking turrets and to boost your sustain in Turtle Stance.
Crit Chance Yellows
Now these, they are glorious on Udyr. With his high attack speed, he can land a lot of crits, and with IE and 200+ AD and your Tiger stance passive, it does huge burst damage.
Attack Damage Blues and Reds
Pretty self explanatory, helps with getting first blood.
Due to your Tiger stance's bonus damage you should be able to last hit under tower extremely well. If you are against a ranged champion top lane, last hit with Turtle stance to not only eat some damage from their harass, but also gain some health back due to Lifesteal. Make sure you last hit at least 5/6 minions from every wave.
This is very easy with Udyr because his Turtle stance blocks a lot of tower damage and his high attack speed allows him to destroy it quickly. When an inhibitor is open and unguarded, check where your newest wave of minions is before going in to destroy it. If there are no minions there, the more health you have to take damage if the enemies come back to the inhibitor to stop you. If you have taken the inhibitor without taking damage from enemy champions, quickly use Bear stance to run into the enemy fountain.
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