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Runes: Hunter Build
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Hunt Them ALL
Challenging Smite
Ability Order
Mark of the Kindred (PASSIVE)
Kindred Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
What is there to say. It says it all in the item choises. Go fast.
The point of the build is to use your supperior range to out kite and to deul ADCs without giving them the luxury of escaping, while you also have a near garenteed escape every time.
You also have just a **** tone map pressure being able to out rotate most enemies. The only other junglers who can out speed you are Hecrim, Lillia and Warwick.
At full build you should average movement speed 505, easily breaking both soft caps.
In terms of Damage you tend to have very low numbers only averaging at 230AD and 80-100% crit chance. Honestly this isn't really a very good build for meta and practicallity purposes but I think it is funny to be able to hard counter jungle the enemy without being collapsed on.
As for the situationl items each has a clear purpose; Umbral Glave has decent damage is very gold efficient in terms of lethality and will let you counter jungle with peace of mind as you eliminate wards; Storm Razor is like a pocket Yasuo, it makes crit very gold effeicient, has good damage and is ****ing annoying, use it to bully people who try to run as you hit them with slows; Wits End is just always good, you get a very consistand speed boost just for landing autos, it has respectable damage and attack speed and makes you tankier against mages; Ghost Blade is also just generally good, high roam preassure, gross damage and a sizable speed boost; Lord Dominarick's Regards is an anti tank item through and through, just crit big boys to death; Mortal Reminder is greivous wounds, use it to make that Warwick and Viego **** themselves.
One notable thing is just how cheap this build is compared to average Kindred builds. It costs 12550 gold for the core build and can have a max cost of 15650 gold for the full build. Compared to 16750 to 17150 gold for more conventional damage builds.
You may miss your Kraken Slayer but I think that if you are in the mood for channeling your inner Wolf, you may just get lost in the thrill of the chase.
The point of the build is to use your supperior range to out kite and to deul ADCs without giving them the luxury of escaping, while you also have a near garenteed escape every time.
You also have just a **** tone map pressure being able to out rotate most enemies. The only other junglers who can out speed you are Hecrim, Lillia and Warwick.
At full build you should average movement speed 505, easily breaking both soft caps.
In terms of Damage you tend to have very low numbers only averaging at 230AD and 80-100% crit chance. Honestly this isn't really a very good build for meta and practicallity purposes but I think it is funny to be able to hard counter jungle the enemy without being collapsed on.
As for the situationl items each has a clear purpose; Umbral Glave has decent damage is very gold efficient in terms of lethality and will let you counter jungle with peace of mind as you eliminate wards; Storm Razor is like a pocket Yasuo, it makes crit very gold effeicient, has good damage and is ****ing annoying, use it to bully people who try to run as you hit them with slows; Wits End is just always good, you get a very consistand speed boost just for landing autos, it has respectable damage and attack speed and makes you tankier against mages; Ghost Blade is also just generally good, high roam preassure, gross damage and a sizable speed boost; Lord Dominarick's Regards is an anti tank item through and through, just crit big boys to death; Mortal Reminder is greivous wounds, use it to make that Warwick and Viego **** themselves.
One notable thing is just how cheap this build is compared to average Kindred builds. It costs 12550 gold for the core build and can have a max cost of 15650 gold for the full build. Compared to 16750 to 17150 gold for more conventional damage builds.
You may miss your Kraken Slayer but I think that if you are in the mood for channeling your inner Wolf, you may just get lost in the thrill of the chase.
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