Vlad is pretty impossible to kill if he is boosted. This is one of those games which are tricky because you can't let him get boosted whether it's kills or CS. Good luck and get Morellos.
This is just an unfortunate matchup because there's not much you can do. His R will one-shot you eventually no matter what. The only thing you can do is try to win quickly and not let him get boosted.
Honestly, if she gets fed in lane phase, I'm sorry it'll be hell. Try to play safe and allow yourself to scale. This is one of the few situations in which Banshee's will come in very nicely.
Zed can be really frustrating. You just have to avoid getting poked and watch for the engagement. A Zhonya's should do the job for the most part, especially if he tries to focus you in a team fight.
Ekko is more of a problem for you if he plays jg. He can dive you and escape with his R all day. Pretty hard champ to kill and escape, so just make sure you don't go anywhere blind.
Katarina is kind of in the middle of 3 and 4. The only problem with playing against Kat is that you really can't use your stun aggressively. Hold it for her ult.
You could put Diana in extreme threat honestly it's pretty close. You definitely have to build Banshee's.
Talon is kind of annoying early game. Make sure you ping his roams so you don't get flamed. Make sure to shove when he roams and help your team with ult.
Pretty self explanatory. She's annoying to play against. Too fast for you too. Just try to stay away and CS. Definitely stay away when she has full stacks, especially post buff.
Honestly just sort of keep your distance and use your minions to body block her charm and she can't do much. She's not too hard to kill either which is nice.
This could go in either 3 or 4. She can do a lot of damage. Make sure you stay away from her ball and poke her early game pre 6.
She's not too bad if you can avoid all her abilities. She can be kind of hard to kill but if you're boosted it's not a problem. Just play safe and hold E.
Yas windwall can only block E so abuse that. Just understand how fast he can get to you and keep some distance.
Good Qiyana can definitely dom you. Stay away from walls and keep some distance so you don't get rooted. Her reset will start to do a lot of damage overtime.
Sylas can be kind of annoying just because he is hard to kill. Just hold stun. Run towards him if he ults you he will never expect it.
Honestly this lane is whoever can dodge better and hit more shots. Use minions to body block too.
I get mental gapped against Anivia. Just keep your distance and play safe. If she gets ahead just play safe and outscale.
Pretty easy lane just stay out of ult range.
Might be the most free lane possible. Literally one-shot her.
Just avoid W.
You can poke him quite easily. Just don't get too close and avoid his soldiers because the damage adds up.
Her transformations can sometimes catch you off guard but besides that she isn't too bad.
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