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Runes: Arcane Comet
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
Taunts you then the enemy bottom lane kills you. Your support must be a Soraka or Janna that knows what the hell she's doing. I rarely see a Galio support in Ranked.
Champion Build Guide
This is just an example build that works and underrated.
Precision rune is really bad as the first main rune. Use Sorcery Rune as first then Precision as second. I LOST A LOT OF LP with Precision rune and winrate after using the Precision rune as the first rune.
If your support is like a Lee Sin or Master Y, it might never work if that Lee Sin builds lethality and does not cooperate with you.
Precision Rune is risky than Arcane Comet Rune.
Get all your late game items and push to win.
If its too difficult and your support and teammates won't cooperate just go last or first if can.
Warning: Twisted Fate doesn't have durability so he can't 5 vs 1. Your Ultimate shows enemies so use it. Wild Card at your own risk. If you die, your teammates might give up or play more passive.
If your teammate keeps *****ing why you pick Twisted Fate bottom lane just ignore them or tell them to stop being a whining *****.
Attack Speed on E
W is 100% base attack damage and 50% AP damage
You can go AD and AP.
Can teleport
Very dangerous when approached alone
Good synergies with Mages
Good if your teammates picks off meta or if the support picks a mid laner over a support
Good if your taemmates has more AP than AD or lacks continues damage.
Q needs AP
No Escape Mechanism, Destiny is a reposition attack.
Does not work if your teammates are whining
Really bad against Assassins
If your teammate who's useless slides in and KILL SECURE your kill, you'll instantly lose.
Having Precision as the first main rune is too risky.
Needs a Tank and Support
Stormrazer makes Twisted Fate a nightmare and kill an enemy with little armor in 5 to 6 seconds or less.

Hextech Gunblade lets twisted fate go AD and AP and heals twisted fate per damage deals and can slow down an enemy who tries to run away from you because you hurt a lot.
Rapid Firecannon

is good if you have Fleet Footwork as your rune.
Trinity Force for Sheen damage, attack speed, cooldown reduction, mana, movement speed and more.
Wits End is good against mages and has bonus magic damage.

triggers your passive and gives you attack speed. Good with Lethal Tempo and/with a lot of attack speed items.
Nashor Tooth Nashor Tooth
of course makes Twisted Fate's basic attack do magic damage making him farm faster when he has this as his first item.
Berserker Greaves Berserker Greaves
is one of the best items for Twisted Fate. It gives him attack speed that's very good or if not you can switch it with Ionian boots for 40% cooldown reduction or with Sorcery Boots.
It's better if Twisted Fate does this at the mid role not as the adc.
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