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Varus Build Guide by ifound1dollar

ADC Varus, AD or AP? (Patch 14.9)

ADC Varus, AD or AP? (Patch 14.9)

Updated on May 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ifound1dollar Build Guide By ifound1dollar 606 42 2,392,693 Views 20 Comments
606 42 2,392,693 Views 20 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ifound1dollar Varus Build Guide By ifound1dollar Updated on May 4, 2024
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Varus
    AD On-Hit
  • LoL Champion: Varus
    AP Burst

Runes: on-hit

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
Standard Bot
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Varus, AD or AP? (Patch 14.9)

By ifound1dollar

Hi! I'm ifound1dollar, a Diamond Emerald Vayne main in North America (spoiler: this isn't a Vayne guide). Varus is one of my favorite marksmen to play, so I decided to write an in-depth guide for him.

This is my in-depth Varus guide, but many of the concepts here can be translated to other champions as well!


+Good early/mid game
+Very strong ultimate
+Long range
+%max Health damage
+Multiple viable builds



-Weak pre-level 6
-Very squishy
-Cooldown reliant
-Skillshot reliant


AD: Piercing Arrow -> Hail of Arrows -> Blighted Quiver

AP: Blighted Quiver -> Hail of Arrows -> Piercing Arrow

This is the standard ability sequence for Varus. Starting off with a point in Hail of Arrows for the easy-to-land Grievous Wounds and slow effect is typically the best choice. At level 2, a point in either Piercing Arrow or Blighted Quiver should be taken depending on whether building AD or AP, respectively. The third and final ability should be taken at level 3.

If building AD, Piercing Arrow should be maxed first; if building AP, Blighted Quiver should be maxed first for the increased %max Health damage. Hail of Arrows should be the second ability maxed regardless of whether building AD or AP because the damage and slow increases and the cooldown decreases. Blighted Quiver should be maxed last if building AD, otherwise Piercing Arrow should be maxed last if building AP. A point in Chain of Corruption should always be taken at levels 6, 11, and 16.

Passive: Living Vengeance
Cost: None
Cooldown: None
Range: Self

On champion kill or assist, Varus gains 30% bonus Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
On minion or monster kill, Varus gains 15% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.


Q: Piercing Arrow
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 Mana
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Range: 925-1625

Begin Charging: Varus draws back his next shot, slowing himself by 20%. After 4 seconds, if not fired, Varus will cancel the ability and refund 50% of its Mana cost.

Release: Varus releases the arrow, dealing [VALUE] Physical Damage, reduced by 0-67% per enemy hit. Damage and Blight detonation effects are increased by up to 0-50% based on charge time.


W: Blighted Quiver
Cost: None
Cooldown: 40s
Range: Self

Passive: Varus' attacks deal 7/13/19/25/31 (+35% Ability Power) bonus Magic Damage and apply Blight for 6 seconds (stacks 3 times). Varus's other abilities detonate Blight stacks dealing 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5% (+1.5% Ability Power) of the target's maximum Health as Magic Damage per stack. Detonating Blight on champions and epic monsters also reduces his basic abilities' cooldowns by 12% of their maximum per stack.

Active: Varus next Piercing Arrow deals an additional 6 - 14% of the target's missing Health as Magic Damage, increased up to 80% depending on charge time. The damage is capped at 360 against monsters.


E: Hail of Arrows
Cost: 80 Mana
Cooldown: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10s
Range: 925

Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+90% bonus Attack Damage) Physical Damage and desecrate the ground. Desecrated ground slows enemies' Movement Speed by 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% for .25 seconds and reduces their healing and regeneration by 40%. The slow duration is refreshed if enemies stay within the zone.


R: Chain of Corruption
Cost: 100 Mana
Cooldown: 100 / 80 / 60s
Range: 1075

Varus flings out a tendril of corruption, rooting the first champion hit for 2 seconds and dealing 150 / 250 / 350 (+100% Ability Power). Rooted enemies gain max blight stacks over the duration. The corruption spreads from its target to uninfected enemy champions at the end of the duration, dealing the same damage and rooting for the same duration.


Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive
(5.4 AD)
+10-180 Health

Most of the time, Attack Speed and Adaptive Force should be taken on Varus, even if building AP burst. However, really any of the defense options are viable. Flat bonus Health can be beneficial when dealing with very weak early levels, Tenacity and Slow Resist can be useful against champions like Ashe, and level-scaling bonus Health can be a great option for late-game survivability.


Lethal Tempo
Both Lethal Tempo and Press the Attack are generally the best options for on-hit Varus. Lethal Tempo is a powerful DPS tool (especially later in the game) because it simply makes it easier to deal damage. That said, Press the Attack can be highly useful (especially early-game) as a single-target DPS steroid; its requirement of three separate attacks also complements Blighted Quiver quite well. Generally, Fleet Footwork is not very useful on many marksmen because its healing from minions is dramatically reduced; it is best taken by poke champions like Caitlyn who can frequently attack enemy Champions. Lastly, Conqueror can be viable on some marksmen, but Varus simply isn't one of them.
Presence of Mind is a must-have for an ability-heavy marksman like Varus; it makes a huge difference especially in early levels. Triumph can be a good option sometimes as well, but Presence of Mind is more consistent. Overheal is generally underwhelming and should not be taken.

When running the on-hit build, Varus will benefit most from Legend: Alacrity. Its bonus Attack Speed is quite impactful after reaching max stacks, and Attack Speed is generally more useful than the bonus Life Steal that would come from Legend: Bloodline. That said, Legend: Bloodline may be useful in some cases like when facing heavy poke lanes and team compositions. Legend: Tenacity is generally sub-optimal for any marksman.

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace is a very consistent rune that will be useful every game, as enemy champions will frequently be below 40% Health. Alternatively, Cut Down is a great option when facing tank-heavy compositions. Last Stand, however, is generally a poor option because marksmen should not rely on being low Health to deal more damage.

Coup de Grace

All three options in the middle row of the secondary Resolve tree are viable in different situations. That said, Second Wind is often the best option when facing poke-heavy lanes. On the other hand, Bone Plating is a useful survival tool in lane against heavy burst or all-in enemies. Conditioning can also be a good option, but note that it does nothing pre-10 minutes before the bonus Armor and Magic Resist activate.

Second Wind
Unlike the middle row, the bottom row has only one (maybe two) decent options for Vayne. The best option is typically Overgrowth; it has little effect very early in the game, but grants quite a bit of bonus Health as the game progresses. That said, Unflinching can situationally be useful when facing heavy-CC lanes and compositions. Revitalize is rarely a viable option, as it is best equipped on Champions that provide healing.


Blade of the Ruined King is a staple in any on-hit build. WIP
Attack-based builds like on-hit should almost always build Berserker's Greaves. They're incredibly cost efficient at 35% Attack Speed and 45 bonus Movement Speed for only 1100g (800g with Magical Footwear). However, there are some rare situations where defensive boots are a better option. For instance, Plated Steelcaps can be a great option when facing full-AD teams with champions like Yasuo and Lucian. Mercury's Treads may also occasionally be a good choice when facing heavy-Magic Damage teams with a lot of CC.
That said, Berserker's Greaves are usually the best option.

I'm extremely greatful for jhoijhoi's Making A Guide, because without it, I wouldn't have been able to create this guide.

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Feel free to check out my other guides:

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November 11, 2020 (Patch 10.23)
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September 30, 2020
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July 13, 2020
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April 30, 2020
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April 15, 2020
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November 20, 2019
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August 20, 2019
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June 4, 2019
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February 6, 2019
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January 24, 2019
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January 9, 2019
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December 9, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ifound1dollar
ifound1dollar Varus Guide
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