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Vayne Build Guide by Erikflynn

Jungle Vayne Is A Pain

Jungle Vayne Is A Pain

Updated on April 27, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Erikflynn Build Guide By Erikflynn 1,708 Views 0 Comments
1,708 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Erikflynn Vayne Build Guide By Erikflynn Updated on April 27, 2018
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This is a vayne jungle game. This is actually viable.

(First guide so is ugly sorry)
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Just build what i built but in case of a Master Yi drop fire cannon for ZHONYAs and inside of a team-fight when master yi uses the alpha strike ability (The dash that makes him invisible) Pop zhonya's

In case of a champ with hard cc eg veigar, when your cc'd just use mercurial scimitar instead of fire cannon to leave asap
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Pros / Cons

Good Damage
Ganks when invisible after LEVEL 6
Every 3rd attack SHREDS enemies
Good tower dives with the roll
Insane level 1-3 comparing to other junglers

Squishy AF
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Press the attack: Makes the passive on your W INSANE.
Triumph: Gives you good sustain in 1 v 2 situations.
Legend Alacrity: Lets you crit more often and get 3 attacks off quickly
Coup De Grace: Good to finish kills

Celerity: More damage in general
Water Walking: Makes river fights and escapes amazing
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Team Work

Sit in the back, if a enemy tries to escape pop ult and roll after them and roll out, try to hit whoever is closest too you giving you the best positioning
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Jungle Route

Blue side:
Blue, Gromp, Red, Gank.

Red Side:
Red, Wolves, Gromp, Blue, Gank
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Erikflynn
Erikflynn Vayne Guide
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Vayne Is A Pain

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