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Caitlyn got way more range than you. Thats why most of the Time she can beat you. Stay out of range and try to get good trades. Build up and kill her at Level 6.
Huge early damage. Try to play as safe as possible in early phase.
Ashes Slows can really be hurtful for you in early and mid/late game situations. Try to get a early big lead on her and then just bully her.
Jhin isnt a big Threat for Vayne. But especially in this Season his dmg is just insane. Play safe and try to outsmart him when he got no bullets. Play with exhaust in this case
huge early dmg. Play safe.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune does good dmg in early / mid Phase. Play safe until 6 and try to kill her then. She isnt that big of a Threat for Vayne.
I almost never lost against Tristana. I really think as vayne you can easily Stomp her. Try to get good trades and kill her.
Player based. A good Jinx can stomp you really hard. If he is bad than its gg. Go for exhaust in this case.
Big early Damage. Try to get good trades and kill her at 6. Play safe until then.
One of the easiest ADC's to play against. Most of the time the players who play her are weak. Early weak so try to kill her at level 1-3.
Really annoying to play against. Try to get as much vision as possible to avoid backsteps from him. Care at Level 6 especially.
Huge Damage if the enemy can play her right.
Really Strong Combo. You can kill and stomp the lane at almost every level if you play it good.
Alistar is okay i guess.
Strong early if your supp hits the hooks.
I really enjoy playing with Braum as support. If you get a stun on an enemy you get a kills almost 99% of the time.
Heimerdinger support is really op because the turret can hold the enemys back from hitting you. You can easily farm with no worries. Also really strong.
Leona. Much CC.
Really Strong if she hits her whole combo
Nautilus Support is really good in Combo With vayne. Much CC, good damage. I like it
Seraphine is okay. Her heals are fine and her cc also. i recommend.
Thresh is the most effective Support in my opinion. dont have much to say about it. Its just amazing if your support is good with him.
Isn't the best support because the main focus is on you cause of her W.
I still like the heal and ulti.
Really Strong Combo. You can kill and stomp the lane at almost every level if you play it good.
Alistar is okay i guess.
Strong early if your supp hits the hooks.
I really enjoy playing with Braum as support. If you get a stun on an enemy you get a kills almost 99% of the time.
Heimerdinger support is really op because the turret can hold the enemys back from hitting you. You can easily farm with no worries. Also really strong.
Leona. Much CC.
Really Strong if she hits her whole combo
Nautilus Support is really good in Combo With vayne. Much CC, good damage. I like it
Seraphine is okay. Her heals are fine and her cc also. i recommend.
Thresh is the most effective Support in my opinion. dont have much to say about it. Its just amazing if your support is good with him.
Isn't the best support because the main focus is on you cause of her W.
I still like the heal and ulti.
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