{Take Phase rush ignite flash} Skill matchup, get to work on your fancy feet. If you can't outrun his Q crit then walk into him to take less damage. If you are being oppressed by him save your Q for negating his W slow. Additionally hit W if you know a crit will land. Poke him once with Phase Rush and iron spike and run away. If he is at 60-70% hp rush him and dodge his Q's you can burn him easily.
Master Yi
Small chance of being top but in the jungle you are the one person that can stop his killing spree. Your Q silence can completely ruin his plans of killing your whole team so be aware.
{Phase rush flash ghost} You'll need ghost to keep up with him when he jumps to minions and to outrun his E.
The key to the matchup is taking E first and playing to kill the first 3 minions then playing back while he eats the rest of his. He'll hit lvl 2 so care and don't take a fight we will have a kill window at lvl 6 just focus on the wave. Early game he just has too much damage. Get Hullbreaker to be unkillable if he's ahead grab black cleaver to counter his ult.
{phase rush ignite flash} You cannot be baited in this matchup! He will zone you from minions but you need to play safe and avoid fighting him. A simple early trick is starting Q and safely farming minions. Ironspike rush and Q+E+ironspike while running away are effective at chipping away his HP. Around 60-70% you can burst him but make sure to avoid his Q outer ring. Flash to the inner range if you must. Remember your silence in this matchup if you can get your combo off quickly and run away he can't use E in time to bring you back.
{phase rush ghost flash}This is my permaban quite simply shes impossible to deal with unless shes first time. If for some reason you have another ban. You have to give up a lot of cs and play around Q2, W and E to even be allowed to farm. Hit W when her E hits or just fake your positioning and dodge it. Her ult can stall your ult from coming out so be careful tower diving.
{phase rush ghost flash} This matchup is literal hell for any Garen player potential dodge if you are not accustomed and in ranked. Your main goal is to get her kick out of the way and rush her down. But you need to be high HP and have ghost ready. The best scenario is getting jungle help, otherwise, you need to be really good at farming under turret while being harrassed.
{Phase rush ghost flash} Get used to her threat range and don't go in for an all-in too early. You need to max E and get Berserkers to counter her W shroud. Play safe and out scale her at level 6. Look to Q+E+spike poke her when she has no energy.
{phase rush ghost flash + second wind} Do not get baited into going all in at lvl 1 her lethal tempo will beat you. Play for the early minions and try to zone her. Get a cheater recall or bait a recall so she pushes wave into your jungler ganking while you hide on bush. She 100% will outscale so you need to keep her behind. Do not leave her alone to farm for free keep harassing and stay focused on vision. Her ult counters your ult so you need to either have her low so you can silence her and burst in that time or engage with E+Q hiding your Q till the last second when you Q+ult. Do not be afraid to ask for help but make sure you don't put her ahead keep track of jgl with wards in tri or river.
{phase rush ignite flash} This matchup is fairly easy, don't get baited into fighting her at full stacks though. You need full zerks first before taking any big trades. focus on avoiding her E and proccing phase rush to run short trades. Antiheal will be necessary if they have some more healing on their team and you don't insta stomp. Remember to Q+E+ironspike then disengage to prep for all ins. You having no wave and shes walking it to your turret = free quick poke
{phase rush ignite flash} Not an easy matchup he will stomp you if you all in to early. Take the free minions and give the rest you can take some hp hits but try to stay above 50% when minions hit the turret to avoid tower dives. Play safe and scale he can't take over the game if neither of you dies.
{phase rush ghost flash} This matchup is very poke heavy so you can take second wind if you want. All in when his knockback is down. Bait into ganks and ghost after him. Try to tank the knockback so you can lock him down. Dodge his Q's and be ready to hit W on them its all reaction based.
{phase rush ghost flash} Your main and probably only kill window will be baby Gnar. Mega gnar is just too tanky and too threatening. Wait out his mega gnar form and care to dodge his giant Q throws. If he has no minions around to jump to his escape range is decreased keep track of those minions! Hit W on his stuns to tank and reduce the damage he deals. Otherwise when you get stridebreaker it should be GG he can't escape as mini gnar.
{phase rush ignite flash} This matchup is all about your skill and your E get zerkers first and try to use it when she engages. Her W is on a long cooldown like 18 seconds or something if she uses W too early you should win, as long as you kept your hp high enough to avoid her ult kill range.
Dr. Mundo
{Conq ignite flash} Play around the minion wave so the minions tank his Q if he walks up to the wave you can Q and E back into the wave for poke. You can kill him lvl 3 if he is acting dumb but dont take it as a guarantee. Garen with conq into tanks shreds them like butter so try to take him by surprise. When he ults while you are all inning make sure to ignite him to reduce his gained hp and finish him off.
{phase rush ignite flash} Your goal here is to dodge as many E tendrils as possible and poke her down with phase rush escapes. Rushing iron spike is viable. She shoves waves super fast so make sure to be careful and ask for ganks pre6. Keep a ward down and track the enemy jungle to guarantee a kill. Use your phase rush speed combo to bait out her R and escape with minimal damage.
{phase rush ghost flash} You likely won't be beating this guy till lvl 6 and even then you'll at least need ironspike to avoid unnecessary damage from him. His E is very strong under the turret so don't bait yourself. Don't overstay at low hp a simple gank into a well-timed urgot R can net him free gold. Try to bait out his abilities by moving unpredictably around him. pre9 you can walk out of range of his W to waste his cooldown.
{phase rush ghost flash} this little guy has got nothing on you. Start by walking your wave in to avoid a proxy farmer. your Q silence may not always stop his flip but you can W to avoid the brunt of the damage and E back onto him. Always be harassing this champ and stay on top of vision.
{Conq ignite flash} This matchup while being easy is rated even because of how well sion scales. Wave manipulation and baiting abilities is key here. Sion is easily defeatable with conq and your E. Don't give him a second to breathe but dont lose sight of the jungler. While sion is abusable he has great synergy with teammates. Always orb walk Sion and be ready to block the most profitable R direction for him whether it be an escape or another turret. Tanking an ult is better than losing him or everything else. Also, use your Q to cancel his Q to annoy him.
This man is a blessing upon demaciankind if you have one on your team I suggest grouping and splitting simultaneously the 99% speed boost turns you into the Flash that can actually one-shot enemies.
This jungler is great for getting your turret pushed in, make sure to watch the river for when she is doing rift herald, and make sure not to screw them over.
This champion lets Garen go in worry-free and gives him a free dash and a slow with an exploding shield. Keep an eye on him when he is topside as he is a prime invade target.
This man is a blessing upon demaciankind if you have one on your team I suggest grouping and splitting simultaneously the 99% speed boost turns you into the Flash that can actually one-shot enemies.
This jungler is great for getting your turret pushed in, make sure to watch the river for when she is doing rift herald, and make sure not to screw them over.
This champion lets Garen go in worry-free and gives him a free dash and a slow with an exploding shield. Keep an eye on him when he is topside as he is a prime invade target.
I started playing this game back in April of 2020 after I had quit Overwatch, the first champion I picked up was Garen and that hasn't changed. In the first year of playing in Season 10 I got Gold 1, Season 11 Plat 1, and Season 12 Masters. My secret to improving so quickly was watching a ton of videos on skill-capped and pro guides while also analyzing challenger replays.
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