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Vi Build Guide by dronesweepers

Assassin Vi Carry Guide

Assassin Vi Carry Guide

Updated on March 1, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dronesweepers Build Guide By dronesweepers 1,287 Views 0 Comments
1,287 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author dronesweepers Vi Build Guide By dronesweepers Updated on March 1, 2015
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Hello, I am a Silver player on NA. I've been playing Vi as my main for 3/4 of a year now, and the current way of building her simply doesn't suit my playstyle with her. As a result, I'm going to share how I build Vi to carry games from the jungle.
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Jungle style and early game tactics often determine how we start in the jungle. I realize this, but if you do a standard start, this is what works best from my experience.

Golems (Smite) > Red > Wolves > Blue (Smite) > Gank or Wraith.
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Teamfight/Skirmish Guide

I generally use a base combo to fight, with obvious in the moment variations as I see fit. The way to start in a 1v1 is to Q in, get in an AA to proc your W, then E, and repeat minus the Q. If they flash or have superior movement speed/escapes, you can R them. I only recommend this if you either have vision, or really need a kill to get on track. This is essentially the same way to play Teamfights, only here you have to prioritize. I always go for the enemy that does the most damage first. Since they are often squishy, mid game it is very possible to 100-0 them in a matter of seconds. I skip using R to catch people in Teamfights until the fight begins to break up. You can smite to keep up with a straggler and then Q them to end them instead of popping the Ult. R can then be used to pick off any remaining stragglers.
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Vi built with damage is one of the most terrifying things to deal with. The CC provided plus the broken damage can allow you to carry a game, or feed your carries. The only note I have left is that you should never be forced into a fight. managing your Q well can allow you to easily avoid in encounters you would like to avoid. And with that, the Ult is a valid escape as well.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dronesweepers
dronesweepers Vi Guide
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Vi Carry Guide

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide