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Choose Champion Build:
- Fighter Build
- Assassin Build
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Since you are an AD DPS champion, Malphite has a pretty easy lane versus you. His shield soaks your damage, and if you're close he just E's you and nullifies your W bonus. Try maxing E to melt down his shield.
Hey guys! I'm still working on this guide, but it's done for over 80% and you can read it. I will work on it in the future, I don't know when! Please inform me if something is buggy or if you want to see something that you miss to make it easier and less frustrating to read! Enjoy! <3
Hai! I'm xKarasu, a platinum 3 support/top main! I live in the Netherlands and I play League since the Kha'Zix patch.
I love playing weird and unusual roles with champs. For example, Vi top lane, Jarvan IV support and Lucian mid.
I'm a mastery 6 with 28k mastery points, but I play Vi since her release. I still want to try her out as a support, but I'm not sure how VIalbe (I know, bad pun) she will be against decent match ups, since most mages destroy her. I will update the guide after I tried some games. Enjoy the guide and you can ask any question possible.
I have 2 build paths, the one is that I prefer to play, and the other is for usual games (or if you lose lane hard). If you're new to Vi, I recommend trying out the normal build path and even play Vi jungle, before you jump into new items. Get used to her first, and try out and experiment later.
+ She is amazing at snowballing
+ Her ganking/raoming potential is great
+ She is strong against squishies and tanks
+ Her ult locks down any high priority target and never misses!
- Her Q can be seen by everyone and nearly everyone can dodge her, if you miss your Q you can be punished terribly
- She excels at long trades, that means that people with burst and cc can take Vi down with ease.
- If she falls behind, she can't deal that much damage at all.
- Her shield only procs when you hit an enemy with your spells and has a decent cooldown, try using it for short trades
Vi E is an auto attack reset, but the animation plays slower than her normal attacks, so be careful by not spamming too much clicking while activated.
After you hit your Q, auto and immediately E after for best damage output, that's a decent short trade and your shield will most likely soak up most damage.
Titanic Hydra resets auto attacks too, and stack with your E cone damage. As said, you can Q, auto into Hydra active to make a short trade.
It can be somewhat annoying to get your Denting Blows (W) passive later on, but try to triple hit a minion for faster clear and an attack speed boost.
For amazing wave clear, Q into a full wave, followed up by an E.
Take ignite or teleport, depending on what you need.
-Ignite, stay in lane split and keep on trading until you win. Fits with My way
-Teleport, play safe and try to roam as much as possible. Fits with Usual way
Use the brush to your advantage for sneaky Q's. Q > auto > E for short trades. Use E to take down low minions and to poke champions that will otherwise harass you. Try to get as much kills as possible here and try to roam to mid lane along with your jungler for a 3 man gank at 6 or higher.
Mid game:
Vi usually wins most 1v1's by now, just don't tryhard your Q! If you miss it you'll be in severe trouble!! Try to split push top and draw attention for you to take a double. If that's not possible, help your mid laner and try to secure objectives like dragon and towers. In team fights you should try to ult high priorty targets like adc's, mid laners and assassins. If you're more of a bruiser, try to peel your carries.
Late Game:
You should have lots of items by now. Be careful not to over extend that much while splitting, since Vi tend to fall off late game when you don't play her with lots of damage.
For objectives, try to keep their jungler away from barons/elder drakes by ulting, but try to safe your your ultimate for priority targets. From there try to focus their ADC or APC, once you reach them, they can't do much against you. At least, if your team follows.
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