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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Sovereign's Domination (PASSIVE)
Viego Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Me
Hey, my name is Yoshua, and I've had my eyes on League since 2019. Though that might not be as long as some others, it quickly became a passion of mine. Playstyle wise I'm very casual and all for fun. Which is why I started coming up with funny, off-role off-meta Builds for various Champions. My main focus here are Support Builds, as that is my main Role. So if you're looking for funny weird Support Options, which will certainly not get you flamed in champ select (this is LoL, what do you expect?), then you've come to the right place...
About this Build
Ever wanted to play everyones favourite selfish heart broken emo boy, but are uncapable of playing Jungle, just like me? I got you!
This builds focus is AP Viego, utilizing mostly his W. The main goal is simple, stun them so your ADC can follow. This works best with a high burst damage ADC/APC. You want to stun one of them, burst them and then take them over, opening up for further picks.
What matters the most are your W and R, with your Q just being a nice little bit of extra damage and your E mostly being for disengaging or hunting targets.
All in all, Viego support is very simple, but not a strong pick at all. This build has barely any damage except your W, and going the tanky route, you still won't really be tanky until item 3.
If played well with a good burst support tho, it can be fairly fun.
Just keep in mind, you're squishy early with a lack of high damage. CC heavy Supports are your main weakness.
This builds focus is AP Viego, utilizing mostly his W. The main goal is simple, stun them so your ADC can follow. This works best with a high burst damage ADC/APC. You want to stun one of them, burst them and then take them over, opening up for further picks.
What matters the most are your W and R, with your Q just being a nice little bit of extra damage and your E mostly being for disengaging or hunting targets.
All in all, Viego support is very simple, but not a strong pick at all. This build has barely any damage except your W, and going the tanky route, you still won't really be tanky until item 3.
If played well with a good burst support tho, it can be fairly fun.
Just keep in mind, you're squishy early with a lack of high damage. CC heavy Supports are your main weakness.
Pros and Cons
-Decent amount of CC (W)
-Easy disengage (E)
-Decent Pick potential after R/P
-Squishy in early game
-Low damage
-Easily shut down by CC
-Requires burst ADC to work well
-Decent amount of CC (W)
-Easy disengage (E)
-Decent Pick potential after R/P
-Squishy in early game
-Low damage
-Easily shut down by CC
-Requires burst ADC to work well
Playstyle Summoned Up
Your only engage in this case is your W, so it's necessay to be confident that you can hit it. Keep in mind that it's hitbox is fairly small.
While you can use your E to engage, I wouldn't reccomend it unless you're certain you will get that pick for your ult.
otherwise it should be kept to disengage.
As mentioned above, your main disengage tool is your E. It's really simple, put it down and run. That's really all there is to it.
When should you disengage? Since you're very squishy with low damage most of the early game I'd recommend getting out again quickly after a W and maybe a Q, since you don't wanna risk dying too fast.
Other important things to keep in mind
You pretty much always want to take your Ult. Yes, that includes the enemy enchanter support. Just about anything is going to be stronger then you yourself and will allow for potentially further picks.
Your only engage in this case is your W, so it's necessay to be confident that you can hit it. Keep in mind that it's hitbox is fairly small.
While you can use your E to engage, I wouldn't reccomend it unless you're certain you will get that pick for your ult.
otherwise it should be kept to disengage.
As mentioned above, your main disengage tool is your E. It's really simple, put it down and run. That's really all there is to it.
When should you disengage? Since you're very squishy with low damage most of the early game I'd recommend getting out again quickly after a W and maybe a Q, since you don't wanna risk dying too fast.
Other important things to keep in mind
You pretty much always want to take your Ult. Yes, that includes the enemy enchanter support. Just about anything is going to be stronger then you yourself and will allow for potentially further picks.
Last Words
I hope you enjoy my small little guide to this funny Viego Support Build.
If you have any further questions, additional ideas for the guide or would like me to further specify thing, let me know!
If you have any further questions, additional ideas for the guide or would like me to further specify thing, let me know!
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