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Vladimir Build Guide by JDDA

Vlad is bad (3.16 Spirit Visage Nerf!)

Vlad is bad (3.16 Spirit Visage Nerf!)

Updated on January 10, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JDDA Build Guide By JDDA 4,410 Views 0 Comments
4,410 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JDDA Vladimir Build Guide By JDDA Updated on January 10, 2014
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Not Glass Cannon. Tank Initiation AP!

Look in the Items "Notes" Sections to see what stats each purchase gives you!


  • Much higher survivability
  • Easier early game
  • Maximizes Vlads strengths.
  • Still have a decent amount of DPS


  • Not your teams main source of damage
  • There are none others.
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Why I chose 0/17/13


  • Block : Helps in the laning phase to mitigate harass.
  • Recovery : Helps you to stay in in lane and farm.
  • Veteran Scars : Any HP you get will be increases by 12% (40.32 HP) Free stats!
  • Juggernaut : along with the runes you'll have 12% increased HP from items.
  • Swiftness : As the initiator this will help you to engage/disengage.
  • Second Wind: With the high amount of HP this is a huge help to sustain you in fights.
And after that it is mostly filler for this build. And although Legendary Guardian is a much beefier version of Swiftness , especially for initiating, I prefer going a bit deeper in the Utility tree than normal.


  • Phasewalker :Marginally helpful. All other points are mana related.
  • Fleet of Foot:Very helpful, adds almost 5ms at level 1 with Boots and every bit helps when you're running for the kill.
T2 T3 T4
  • Wealth Fun for the 5 pot start + 15 extra gold! That means you can back on 1185 instead of waiting for 1200!!!!!!!!!
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Item Bonuses.


  • 250AP+(35 AP from HP)=285 AP
  • 20% Regen and Healing
  • 1400HP (1.12%:1568)+350HP from AP (1.12%:392)=1750HP (1:12%:1960)
  • 35%CDR
  • 120AR
  • 55MR
  • +45 Movement Speed

Base HP: 1930 (1.12%:2161.6)
+36 (1.12%:40.32)


Runes and Masteries

*1.12HP (3% Masteries, 9% Runes)
25.38AP at 18
3% Spell Vamp

Rune Bonus AP: 43.74
Item Bonus AP: 250
AP from 1400HP: 35

If the Item Bonus gets affected by the 12% HP then its 1568HP into 39.2AP
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JDDA
JDDA Vladimir Guide
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Vlad is bad (3.16 Spirit Visage Nerf!)

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