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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
You want to max the Q, and you want to max the E. You max Q first, because your E is actually a traitor until you've got some spell vamp and will keep trying to kill you every time you use it until then. You want your Q maxed so that it's on a 3 second cooldown (a little less) and you can spam the heck out of it. Your lane partners just won't be able to keep up (watch the ganks cause they be a comin').
Runes here are pretty simple; you want ap, magic pen, health (which also means ap :D) and cooldown reduction). These will help you stay alive and do the damages early, but remember, against most people you are not incredibly strong until around lvl 6. In some cases though, you can get that early kill at level 3, and that'll be for you to judge. If you're not sure, just play it safe, and get them later, they won't know what hit 'em.
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