Once you think she is doing dragon, she already did it. She is very weak early game so you better take an advantage in that. Clear in the same direction as her and invade her as soon as possible if you have priority. Dont ever let her take advantage in the botside. If she take one or two dragons, its most likely over.
Can kite you and also makes you blind, making it very hard for you to win 1v1 or to counter gank.
Its very annoying to play against and also counter you in the following way: volibear generally either go into a fight and all the enemies die very fast, or keeps getting very low life and healing over and over again (usually the second). His ultimate doesn't let you heal because it executes you the moment you get low enough. He can also pull you away from the target and the slow makes you have a hard time getting to that target again.
It's hard because you just can't walk for 20 seconds.
Maybe a little hard to gank a lane with a lux because she can just lock you in the ground, but its manageable. Just walk into her like you're going in a straight line and once she makes the animation of casting her Q, walk to the side, press your Q and jump into her face.
Its kinda hard to gank a lane with an Alistar, but if you can make him busy with your stun, your team may get a kill (either killing him or killing their ADC who has no longer someone to peel for him).
Very hard to gank. You're most likely not going to die, but neither are Braum or his ADC, unless they mess it up.
If you're fed, you absolutely can't let Viego get your kill/assist, specially if there are ally teammates around. Don't counter gank him. Just stay close, show your presence and maybe make him go away scared. Don't go agressive into him in those situations. If he kills you or your allies he will just heal and reset, and the fight is probably over.
Hard to kill since he has dashes and gets immune while dismounting. Not a promising lane to gank.
Depends if your toplaner can deal with her or not. If not, just play for the other side. She can 1v3 or more if she is fed. Get all the advantage you can in the bot and mid lane and push the towers, and avoid skirmishes she is in.
Volibear wants to get close. So does rumble. But he can kill you faster than you can kill him (at least with this build). If he doesn't have his ultimate, it's a free kill since he doesn't have dashes. But if he does, you better be a little careful.
It's annoying and irritating and omg why
don't gank anywere he's in. you will tilt. i am already tilting thinking about it.
With her it's a matter of who gets fed first. In teamfights, she will most likely try to go for your carry. Pay attention and try to act as a peel when this happen, since her going for your carry will let her exposed; also, don't try to trade carries. She is way better than you in that and your team will not be able to follow you since they will be handling her in the back.
He has stun and good damage, and can give follow up to you. He is also very tanky. He is good in setting up ganks and also in the mid/late game as a partner that get the enemy team busy while your carries can apply the most part of the damage from the back.
His ultimate is amazing in teamfights and he is also a great lane to gank - if the enemy is not someone ranged and/or with tons of dashes. If they have many dashes but are still melee champions, its still a good lane for ganks if your Ornn is good and is not tilted. In fights let him go first and soak the first amount of damage and CC the enemies are going to give, since he is tankier than you. It's better for you to follow up on him that the other way around.
Can pull enemies and have tons of damage in early/mid game. Good for ganks and for giving follow up in fights.
I mean, it's Thresh. If he is slightly good the ganks are just free. Dives too.
He can be anywhere you want with his ultimate, also has a stun and a taunt, which is amazing for your ganks. Let the taunt end before you use your Q on the enemy. The kill is almost free if you both coordinate your CC's.
Just tell him to press E (or hope he does) when you are around waiting in some bushes. Then use E (when the enemy is stunned in the box) then Q to stun the him again and W for some more damage. The Veigar then can probably finish the kill if you already haven't or there wasn't a counter gank from the enemy team.
Free stun. Free kill. Free dives if you want too.
Good Blitz = push enemies => you press Q => you stun enemy => Blitz uses E => enemy doesn't move => your botlane gets a kill. Congratulations. You sucessfully ganked a lane.
I mean... Stun. Knock ups. And stun. And magnetization. And maybe some more stun even. Just kill the poor soul already.
If he uses his E correctly you have the perfect setup for a gank, as long as he have his ultimate. Stun the enemy when he gets out of Vel's E, then he can just press W, Q, and the true damage from his ult will probably kill the enemy, if he is not tanky enough.
Usually free ganks because of her Q. Just be sure you're in a good position to follow up, since she is ranged and you're not.
Just get him one or two kills early game and he can carry along side you. If you manage to stun the enemy for him he can probably kill him early game, as long as he is in range for that. Play around him and you can 2v4 even, if he's fed and you're just not behind.
He has stun and good damage, and can give follow up to you. He is also very tanky. He is good in setting up ganks and also in the mid/late game as a partner that get the enemy team busy while your carries can apply the most part of the damage from the back.
His ultimate is amazing in teamfights and he is also a great lane to gank - if the enemy is not someone ranged and/or with tons of dashes. If they have many dashes but are still melee champions, its still a good lane for ganks if your Ornn is good and is not tilted. In fights let him go first and soak the first amount of damage and CC the enemies are going to give, since he is tankier than you. It's better for you to follow up on him that the other way around.
Can pull enemies and have tons of damage in early/mid game. Good for ganks and for giving follow up in fights.
I mean, it's Thresh. If he is slightly good the ganks are just free. Dives too.
He can be anywhere you want with his ultimate, also has a stun and a taunt, which is amazing for your ganks. Let the taunt end before you use your Q on the enemy. The kill is almost free if you both coordinate your CC's.
Just tell him to press E (or hope he does) when you are around waiting in some bushes. Then use E (when the enemy is stunned in the box) then Q to stun the him again and W for some more damage. The Veigar then can probably finish the kill if you already haven't or there wasn't a counter gank from the enemy team.
Free stun. Free kill. Free dives if you want too.
Good Blitz = push enemies => you press Q => you stun enemy => Blitz uses E => enemy doesn't move => your botlane gets a kill. Congratulations. You sucessfully ganked a lane.
I mean... Stun. Knock ups. And stun. And magnetization. And maybe some more stun even. Just kill the poor soul already.
If he uses his E correctly you have the perfect setup for a gank, as long as he have his ultimate. Stun the enemy when he gets out of Vel's E, then he can just press W, Q, and the true damage from his ult will probably kill the enemy, if he is not tanky enough.
Usually free ganks because of her Q. Just be sure you're in a good position to follow up, since she is ranged and you're not.
Just get him one or two kills early game and he can carry along side you. If you manage to stun the enemy for him he can probably kill him early game, as long as he is in range for that. Play around him and you can 2v4 even, if he's fed and you're just not behind.
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