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Leona Build Guide by Dansie

Support W, E, Q, R=Dead

Support W, E, Q, R=Dead

Updated on May 2, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dansie Build Guide By Dansie 1,563 Views 0 Comments
1,563 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dansie Leona Build Guide By Dansie Updated on May 2, 2014
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Hello Mobafire! First time making a guide on here, and I can't wait to see what you guys think! This is my Leona build I use whenever I play Leona. It has worked very well for me, and my KDA can reflect on it. Leona is a great support, and brings so much to team fights, as well as in lane. Please critique my build and share your experiences using it. I would love any improvements so I can better myself and get up and up in rank!
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The items are based around intense health and armor. She can just all in a teamfight and usually walk out more or less healthy, with the help of the team of course. The Face of the Mountain is useful to activate during the teamfight, as is explodes dealing damage to the team. With the Sunfire just burning away, every little bit done helps win the fight.
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I max Leona's "W" first before the others, mainly because it gives Leona insane Magic And Armor Resistance. at level 1, the Base buff is 25 Armor and 25 Magic Resistance. This is a complete game changer.
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In the Lane

Leona brings a lot of potential at level 2. With her E and Q, she can pull to the enemy ADC and stun him, almost always causing a heal, barrier, or even a flash to pop. This is very key to later fights in the lane, as well as getting the upper hand. At level 6 in lane, her ultimate can completely change the coarse of a trade, and also be a great initiator for a trade.
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Leona shines the brightest in teamfights at mid-late game. She has the potential to lock down the entire team, and give your team the chance to rush the carries and take them down NP. With the Face of the Mountain ability, Leona can give an extra shield to the tank, or give it to the carry in case there is trouble.
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This build for Leona is one of my favorites, and makes her almost impossible to die while in a teamfight. Of course, if you decide to 1v5 with no teammates anywhere near, you're probably still gonna die. (lel)

Always open for constructive criticism and what could be better!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dansie
Dansie Leona Guide
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W, E, Q, R=Dead

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