Thats a dodge or beg for camp matchup. If you want some serious tips on fighting this disgusting champion then check the matchup sheet made by elite500. Go for phase rush and hope your teammates will be able to kill him later on.
Predator is really decent in this matchup. In general you have no hope of outbursting or outtrading him until midgame
Skill matchup. Its all about positioning on lane and trading. Position badly and youll have a really bad time. I recommend predator here
Free lane basicly. You outtrade her once you get some ap. Dodge or pool her stun and its free.
You just outtrade her once you get some items. Go for electro or predator. After one kill shes done
Either a dodge or skill matchup if enemy is handless. You have no hope of pushing into her or killing her alone unless she fucks up badly. Predator or phase rush matchup
You beat her once you get alternator. If you position well you can actually trade q for nothing. Predator or Electro matchup
Another squishy midlaner. If you have experiance go predator, if not then electro. You can nearly oneshot him with loaded e, emp q, ult and ign up after getting alternator.
No hope of killing him solo. Get ign or you wont even be able to with your jungler. Phase rush allows you to get away, id recommend predator tho if you have a duo jungler.
Aurelion Sol
Quite an easy matchup. As long as your teammates know what map is you just need to spamping every time he is missing. Predator and aery work really well in this matchup
Really easy actually. You shouldnt have much problem trading with him if you take predator. Aery and electro work as well
Electro or predator only matchup. You need to trade emp qs. If he buys corrupt you are fucked. Early kills make the lane bearable. Id recommend playing safe until you get items.
Coinflip matchup. 1-2 kill adv wins the lane if you know how to position.
Electro and Predator are viable but in general going predator and roaming makes it bearable
Skill matchup. Predator and Electro work really well here. Dont get qd or wd or else she will run you down. Trade q whenever you can. Once you kill her once you should easily be able to do so again.
Pretty easy actually. Outdamages you in early game. Watch out for his qs and you should be fine. Nearly all rune sets work fine but predator is a favourite here
You just trade with him outside of his turret range and oneshot him later on. Predator and electro work really well since you need to burst him
If you die in early youll have to afk farm for the rest of the game. If you do kill her in early youll be able to duel her. Dodge E and R or else youll die.
Aery ghost/ignite works really well as well as predator if you know what you are doing
If ahead its unplayable. He outtrades you every time you try to trade. Doesnt matter if he is bad. I usually go electro whenever i see Fizz and abuse him before he gets his 1st back. Predator is viable as well
Annoying as hell but in general you scale harder than him. I recommend predator or aery here since phase rush blows this meta
Her daggers are scary but unless she gets fed in early its a free matchup. You should decimate her if shes going even with you. Take electro or predator and its a free lane as long as you dont die
Electro only matchup. Its basicly 50/50. Even if you get ahead its still leblanc. She will deal damage to you no matter what but its fine as long as she wont roam to other lanes.
Scary pre6. After you get some ap shes pretty easy to deal with if you dodge the snare. Predator is a favourite here
Only his r is scary as long as he isnt fed. I recommend taking predator or aery here. Flash is crucial because you can engage before he can ult you
Dodge qs, get some ap and shes done for. You can oneshot her with just an alternator and full combo. Both rune pages work really well... unless you are bad at dodging the qs. Predator is favorable in here since you can trade easier
Electro matchup. He bullies you pre6, you bully him for the rest of the game (if not fed in early). Predator and electro are the superior options here. You shouldnt have problem oneshotting him if he doesnt rush mr
Dodge e or you die. Predator works super well here but she can use it as well if you pop it. In general annoying but doable if you kill her once or twice and gain advantage
Pretty easy. Same case as Brand. You just dont lose too much hp, take him down to half hp and after he dies once itll be hard for him to comeback
Quite annoying. Walk into his w to dodge 2nd q. Sometimes you can even doge both qs this way. Unless he hits full combo he deals no damage. W his ult instantly and itll go away on cooldown + death mark will disappear
Most of the times easy. Take electro or predator and abuse the shit out of this guy pre3. Once you kill him once he has no chance of comebacking unless you get hard camped.
Similar to yone but sometimes tends to be tricky with his constant dashes. Play mind games, cancel e sooner, auto whenever the passive is up, etc. Predator lets you punish him harder but electro works as well.
Predator matchup. Its one of these matchups where boots start doesnt seem as bad. Dodge his abilities, get him to half hp and flash on his ass. If he is good youll have a hard time but bad xeraths are easy to abuse.
Play safe and trade emp qs. Watch out for his E and once you get him to about 60% hp you should be able to oneshot him. Dont trade at all if he goes electro/ign until you get items.
Personally hated matchup. Dodge his qs and make sure to pool knockup. All rune pages work here but predator is superior for trading and bursting
Take whatever you want and do whatever you want but there is no way you lose this matchup. You outtrade him, ourburst him and you are even more mobile + you scale better. Just remember to W his stun.
Twisted Fate
Spamping his 6 and spamping other lanes. You outburst him with predator and outtrade him with electro. If behind once then its impossible for him to come back.
Similar to tf. Dont let him get passive and abuse his low range. Predator works really well but aery will be really decent for trading if you play passive
Tends to be either pretty hard or pretty fun. Dodge or pool the stun pre6. Past 6 pool the ult. You should outburst her past 1 item. Make sure that she wont get fed or else youll have a baaad time. Predator works really well since you can engage on her when her stun is down, electro works too
Annoying. Pool W. Go electro and you should outtrade him (predator is better in general but electro allows you to punish this guy on lane in early). If he gets ahead take a chill pill and farm. You outscale him hard.
You are one unlucky bastard to play this matchup. Pool stun. DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT TRADING. You outscale but you will 99% get cheezed in early. Take predator and dont even think about 1v1ing him. Q when stun is down
One of my most banned champs in s10. Just make sure that she wont get ahead off roaming. Even if behind she still packs a punch. Abusable pre3 and pre6.
Take cleanse and its a matchup similar to tf or brand. Predator recommended
Not a bad matchup at all. Dodge her fear and shes rather easy to deal with. Her abilities are not point and click making it possible to trade qs for free. Predator works reaaaallly well here but you can take whatever as long as you are confident
The ms buffs are unholy if you have ghost. Free ga is op as well
She gives you healing, damage, cc, movement speed and shields... do i need to say anything else?
Works well if you are ahead.
Demolishes teamfights if you can engage with him from fog of war.
Shields, movement speed, engage and free buffs... really tho, ivern works amazing with vlad if ahead.
Just the cc pays off for having him on the same team.
Jarvan IV
His ult is a cage that forces enemies to stack up. Works super well as an engage.
The ms buffs are unholy if you have ghost. Free ga is op as well
She gives you healing, damage, cc, movement speed and shields... do i need to say anything else?
Works well if you are ahead.
Demolishes teamfights if you can engage with him from fog of war.
Shields, movement speed, engage and free buffs... really tho, ivern works amazing with vlad if ahead.
Just the cc pays off for having him on the same team.
Jarvan IV
His ult is a cage that forces enemies to stack up. Works super well as an engage.
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