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Darius Build Guide by hadbre

Why do I hate Darius?

Why do I hate Darius?

Updated on November 5, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hadbre Build Guide By hadbre 8 11 13,652 Views 10 Comments
8 11 13,652 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hadbre Darius Build Guide By hadbre Updated on November 5, 2018
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What is this?

This isnt really a guide. (as you need a guide for Darius pff) Here you will read why is
Darius so op, maybe find something you didnt know about him that could help you, and you will probably feel better after you read this if you played against Darius.

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- Hemorrhage
Whenever he touches you with anything he has, you start bleeding, stacks 5 times more stacks equals more dmg, and when he gets max. stacks (whats easy to him by the way cause his abilities apply them, he has a big slow, a pull, and an auto attack reset-which is a, basicly you start bleeding as he looks at you...) he gains 30-230 AD, and starts apllaying max stacks to anyone with his Decimate or just with an auto attack, plus to get this bonuses he can just ks with his ult and again gains all this. nice
Q: Decimate
So, he has an ability to hit everyone around him ok. He deals more dmg to those who stand on the further part of the circle. ok He heals for an each one hit by his axes blade, not ok!
That heal, if he hitted 2 champions like that, he will gain around 1/2 of hp back, and that isnt fair, but wich part of darius is? + it gives him sustain early on...

W: Crippling Strike
An a slow on a auto attack reseting ability, wow (true, Fiora crits after hers, but darius aplies his passive, and the slow is much worse) and If he hits you with this, you wont be abble to dodge his q.

E: Apprehend
So, lets see: A pull that makes you stand perfectly for his Decimate, also slows you, and gives him vision, such a great idea.

R: Noxian Guillotine
So a true dmg dealing ability, that scales with more than 50% bonus ad, and if you have
5 Hemorrhage stack on you, it will deal 2 times more dmg and scale with 150% bonus ad and thats not all... If he kills you he fears everyone around,
and he can use it for free again in the next 20 seconds, as long es he kills with it
he can use it again. At max rank killing an enemy champion will simply just refresh it.
Totaly fair. WoW im getting tilted while im writing all this

-Sorry I noticed this little latter: HE HAS A SPEED BUFF TO!
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I was really amused with a guide "how to climb as Darius", pretty long guide. I will put it
little shorter for you guys in steps:

1. Hope that Darius isnt baned
2. Pick Darius
3. Repeat untill you have the borders you like the most

Worst thing is when those "Darius mains" say: ,,He isnt easy to play.. tatatat, blah blah." Question to those people: what is so hard to do with him? Im pretty sure if you went full ap Darius that you would still do pretty good!
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Ahh.. I feal better when I got this out of my sistem :) .
I hope you feal the same way now. Pls if you do, or if you want to see more of these for
your most-hated champions, wrtie it down in the coments and ill make more of this.
Ty for reading my, er... my mental break down :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hadbre
hadbre Darius Guide
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Why do I hate Darius?

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