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Nautilus Build Guide by Mdaman

Tank WIP Team/Gank Nautilus Build

Tank WIP Team/Gank Nautilus Build

Updated on March 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mdaman Build Guide By Mdaman 2,285 Views 0 Comments
2,285 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mdaman Nautilus Build Guide By Mdaman Updated on March 27, 2013
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Why use Nautilus?

In my opinion, Nautilus is a great champion all around. He has the health to stay around, and the damage to take down other champions easily. His great stats combined with his ability to keep an opponent from getting away with Dredge Line, which can pull enemies towards him as well as latching on to terrain for a quick getaway, Depth Charge, his ultimate, which not only knocks the opponent airborne and deals a nice amount of damage, but also stuns for enough time to take them down, and Staggering Blow, a passive ability which makes the first hit on an opponent do significant damage and stuns them. If you play Nautilus right, you can take down anything.
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Summoner Spells

Standard Ganking Spells

I don't think I need to explain the summoner spells I picked, but I'll give you a short explanation. If you are trying to gank someone, and they run with a speck of health, you may not be able to follow them, for reasons such as- Depth Charge is down, or they have run into a group of friends. TO solve this, you use Ignite to take down that little speck of health that they have left. If they are running and you just happen to miss with Dredge Line, then you can use Flash to catch up and get the kill.
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Why Not Go AOE?

Allot of guides focus on Riptide. There is a simple answer- Most Nautilus guides are for soloing lanes. This guide is not. This makes Titan's Wrath the best option, as it provides a damage shield, improves your damage, and has a small AOE as well! This does not make Riptide a bad thing to have, and so it comes second in my priorities of leveling an ability. Dredge Line is a great spell for getting close to a champion or moving faster, but it is not something that you really need to level, because damage is definitely not it's main use.
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Runes and Masteries

These are Absolutely Crazy Choices!

They may be crazy choices. I have not leveled enough to use them all, but as far as masteries I did research and looked them up, so they should be good choices. As far as runes, well... you may want to just play with what you have, or look somewhere else, because I have not been able to use them and cannot find much about them. All I can say is, I went off of what I knew, and how I went about this whole build- Nautilus needs Speed, Mana, and Damage.
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(Insert Skeptical Question Here)

As I said in the last Chapter, Nautilus needs Speed, Mana, and Damage. To start, you address this with Boots and the usual health pots, with a mana potion thrown in there. The Ruby Crystal and Doran's Ring are there for health and mana, as well as building to later items. Did I say later? I meant the very next item. Phage is always a great item to have, for it's damage, health, and it's Unique Passive: Icy. Again, Nautilus needs speed, which is why I suggest Berserker's Greaves, which I picked over other boots for it's increased attack speed. Also, Zeal helps in the same way. Thornmail is a great item for armor and its Unique Passive, which deals damage to attacking enemies. Lich Bane also has a nice Unique Passive, as well as giving Mana and Speed. Finally, Warmog's Armor gives a huge amount of health, making sure you don't drop in the field.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mdaman
Mdaman Nautilus Guide
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WIP Team/Gank Nautilus Build

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