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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Jsano

Other Wizardcrank Bot the Man the Myth the Legend

Other Wizardcrank Bot the Man the Myth the Legend

Updated on January 10, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jsano Build Guide By Jsano 2,015 Views 0 Comments
2,015 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jsano Blitzcrank Build Guide By Jsano Updated on January 10, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Hi Friends! This is my not so in-depth guide on Blitzcrank! I don't play ranked very often but I placed gold in s4. This build was developed over time with a friend of mine because we were joking around going AP Teemo AP blitz bot and we discovered the most glorious thing ever. We win lane and pretty much every game we play it just because our enemy laners get so salty and rage quit of rage at their team. My favorite thing has to be just blowing someone up in .2 seconds and laughing my *** off.
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Pros / Cons

Easy to Play, it doesn't take a challenger player to hit a hook
The more you play it the easier it becomes
You 100 to 0 the adc

It only works with bursty champions
You will get raged at on occasions but hey that's LoL for yah
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Team Work

It is very important that your adc knows what you are doing. You are going to hook and nuke the enemy adc/support every time so they need to be ready to get the finishing blow. This lane is the most fun with AP Teemo if you can take the rage from your teammates in champ select. Just insure them you will go carrylord and win the lane and win the game!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jsano
Jsano Blitzcrank Guide
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Wizardcrank Bot the Man the Myth the Legend

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