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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Vi abilities
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
How it Works (Overview)
This bot lane started as a joke between me and my duo, but turned out to be wildly successful (in normal lobbies at the very least). The combo more often than not dominates the laning phase by sending the enemy ADC to the fountain in the first two waves.
Why does this combo work you may ask? It works by completely overwhelming the enemy botlane in close-range combat that is nearly impossible to escape once you're hit by blitzcrank Q. If you don't kill them somehow, you almost always get them to flash, and more often than not they have to recall or face a swift death from Vi's Q & E even under tower.
Despite Vi being an odd pick in replace of an ADC, it works well as she can easily play off of blitzcrank in a way a ranged champion can't. Her E also works well for poke and wave clear due to its surprising range.
The real thing that makes this combo deadly? The endless slows and knockups. When I say you can't escape these two, I mean it. Bitzcrank pulls you in with Q, Knocks you up with E as Vi AA's and E's, once the knockup is over, Vi hits you with the Q and slows you *again* and all of that is without a single R, but once they have R its truly over Because Vi will chase you down with R and the whole thing keeps going
Additionally, if you decide to build Vi crit? you might be a glass cannon but the damage is impeccable.
I really do recommend you try out this combo, It works and you can get a good laugh out of it
Why does this combo work you may ask? It works by completely overwhelming the enemy botlane in close-range combat that is nearly impossible to escape once you're hit by blitzcrank Q. If you don't kill them somehow, you almost always get them to flash, and more often than not they have to recall or face a swift death from Vi's Q & E even under tower.
Despite Vi being an odd pick in replace of an ADC, it works well as she can easily play off of blitzcrank in a way a ranged champion can't. Her E also works well for poke and wave clear due to its surprising range.
The real thing that makes this combo deadly? The endless slows and knockups. When I say you can't escape these two, I mean it. Bitzcrank pulls you in with Q, Knocks you up with E as Vi AA's and E's, once the knockup is over, Vi hits you with the Q and slows you *again* and all of that is without a single R, but once they have R its truly over Because Vi will chase you down with R and the whole thing keeps going
Additionally, if you decide to build Vi crit? you might be a glass cannon but the damage is impeccable.
I really do recommend you try out this combo, It works and you can get a good laugh out of it
Laning Phase
The laning phase is where this combo dominates as it's able to hard-engage early like most other bot lanes can't, use this to your advantage to catch them off guard early and try to push things in your teams favor. Me and my duo have a tendency to give the enemy botlane a scare right away at level one by having Blitzcrank hook right as he gets an opening. Sometimes you secure the kill, but even if you don't they normally don't hurt you much during the interaction so you're able to give them a good mental scare. If they stick around after that and Vi gets level 2-3, she can attempt to re-engage and finish off the kill normally without much risk
For general laning tips, Communication is key with this combo, you should be playing this with a duo. preferably over vc so Blitzcrank can easily communicate when he is about to use his Q. Vi's E is good for wave-clear and poke so don't be afraid to use it. Blitzcrank just like any support needs to prioritize vision because if you start succeeding with this combo you often become a high-priority target for the enemy jungler.
Vi's Q as always is a good escape if you're out of position, but Blitzcrank needs to prioritize staying back a bit and staying safe, this is also nice because the farther you can pull your target from their support, the better.
Vi on her first back should get a Cloak of agility before building Sundered sky (If you choose to build how I do), The slight bit of crit chance as you build that first item is more useful than you may think.
Be sure to also always aim to help your jungle with dragon. If the enemy team tries to steal, normally the three of you have a good shot at taking them down due to Vi's aggressive potential
If you're struggling with landing the hooks against players who are playing safe, Find any way you can to draw them out, or play safe and wait for ganks where they'll be more overwhelmed making it easier for Blitzcrank to land a hook.
Personally we find it's easiest to say fake going to dragon, or jump on the other teams first attempt at dragon, this normally draws their botlane out in the open where Vi and Blitzcrank have more of an advantage
For general laning tips, Communication is key with this combo, you should be playing this with a duo. preferably over vc so Blitzcrank can easily communicate when he is about to use his Q. Vi's E is good for wave-clear and poke so don't be afraid to use it. Blitzcrank just like any support needs to prioritize vision because if you start succeeding with this combo you often become a high-priority target for the enemy jungler.
Vi's Q as always is a good escape if you're out of position, but Blitzcrank needs to prioritize staying back a bit and staying safe, this is also nice because the farther you can pull your target from their support, the better.
Vi on her first back should get a Cloak of agility before building Sundered sky (If you choose to build how I do), The slight bit of crit chance as you build that first item is more useful than you may think.
Be sure to also always aim to help your jungle with dragon. If the enemy team tries to steal, normally the three of you have a good shot at taking them down due to Vi's aggressive potential
If you're struggling with landing the hooks against players who are playing safe, Find any way you can to draw them out, or play safe and wait for ganks where they'll be more overwhelmed making it easier for Blitzcrank to land a hook.
Personally we find it's easiest to say fake going to dragon, or jump on the other teams first attempt at dragon, this normally draws their botlane out in the open where Vi and Blitzcrank have more of an advantage
Mid to late game
Mid to late game isn't super special with these two, you can utilize the same combos you use in laning phase just fine, or roam independently, both of these characters are useful independently of one another.
Vi with the build I use can be very good at picking out squishy targets on the sidelines during teamfights, try to dash around with Q or use your R to take down the squishy targets before going for those big targets. Blitzcrank can stick with the majority of the team and Q high-priority targets into your team
Vi with the build I use can be very good at picking out squishy targets on the sidelines during teamfights, try to dash around with Q or use your R to take down the squishy targets before going for those big targets. Blitzcrank can stick with the majority of the team and Q high-priority targets into your team
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