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Wukong Build Guide by WhatIsThisLOL

Jungle Wukong Jungle 10.6 Just Essentials 2 Min Guide

Jungle Wukong Jungle 10.6 Just Essentials 2 Min Guide

Updated on March 18, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WhatIsThisLOL Build Guide By WhatIsThisLOL 3,751 Views 0 Comments
3,751 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WhatIsThisLOL Wukong Build Guide By WhatIsThisLOL Updated on March 18, 2020
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Runes: Smash enemy backline

Dark Harvest
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Champion Build Guide

Wukong Jungle 10.6 Just Essentials 2 Min Guide

By WhatIsThisLOL
General combo
Basic -> Q -> E and Smash
Basic -> Q -> W -> basic -> E and Smash
Very important to hit Q before anything and especially R, because it reduces enemy armor and the difference is huge.
Lots of options right now
Start Red and straight to clearing Blue side for early ganks (in this case if no ganks are possible, get Crab, Chickens and Dragon right at 5 min mark if you saved up 2 Smites)
W -> Flash -> E into enemy backline -> Q the target and R on them -> E to whichever next target -> Q -> and R again.
Also You can E into Frontline -> W -> Flash to backline and smash with the same sequence as above.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WhatIsThisLOL
WhatIsThisLOL Wukong Guide
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Wukong Jungle 10.6 Just Essentials 2 Min Guide

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