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Xayah Build Guide by Aceshigher

ADC Xayah - High DPS Hard Carry

ADC Xayah - High DPS Hard Carry

Updated on April 21, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aceshigher Build Guide By Aceshigher 21,083 Views 0 Comments
21,083 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Aceshigher Xayah Build Guide By Aceshigher Updated on April 21, 2017
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Hello! This is my first guide, and I'll be coming back to update it as Xayah gets changes.

This is a hard carry build. It is very late game dependent. If you fall behind, it's not the end of world. Keep farming up and try to get picks where you can and you'll eventually wipe their team.

The DPS, from what I've found, is one of the highest Xayah can get. And your last item is diverse enough that you can accommodate for most every situation.
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Pros / Cons

Like I said, this build is a hard carry, and that comes with pros and cons, here's what I'll list;

- Able to do insane damage.
- Even if you are mechanically challenged, your autoattacks do enough damage for you to still be useful.
- You're playing Xayah, her skillset is perfect for killing squishys, so you're effectively an ADC assassin.
- You have a lot of movement speed.

- Late game dependent.
- If you get behind your laner, you can't do anything.
- You're playing Xayah, if you do get caught out, most you can do is fight, you don't really have an escape. (sure, ult could be considered an escape, but once you're back to being targettable, and you're caught out, you're gone)
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The way I prefer to play Xayah is a Ranged Assassin. This build suits that perfectly.

The damage you put out with this is insane, usually with a normal combo (Q > AA > W > AA > E) will kill a squishy once you have shiv and IE.

Now I'd like to go through a few areas in the game and situations and explain how to go about them so that you can be prepared for them.
Most of this information is obvious for most, but I'd still like to list them just to help those who don't know it.


When you're laning, you only want to worry about poking the enemy with Q's and the auto's after while cs'ing. What you'll want to do with your Q is find a position where there are no targets in the way, and hit the enemy with it, so that your Q will do full damage. Afterward, with your enhanced auto, while last hitting, you want to line up your character with the enemy so that it will hit them, as if you were playing Lucian.

If you get too spammy with your abilities, you'll run out of mana really quickly, and then when the time presents itself for a fight, you'll be left with nothing to do, and most likely lose.

Getting Ganked

Now first of all, the most important, and the most obvious is to ward. The sooner you realize the enemy is there, the sooner you can retreat to safety. Now, if you do happen to get ganked, you want to realize the most deadly ability, and this doesn't mean the one that does the most damage, this means the one that will ensure you are killed. Once you've determined the skill, watch for it, if it happens and you cannot dodge it by just moving, ult. Your ult is a godsend, it doesn't do a lot of damage, it does layout 5 feathers, but for the most part you want to use it defensively.

Team fighting

Remember, we play as a Ranged Assassin. You don't want to go in head first. Poke from a distance before the fight starts. When it starts, resist the urge to slam your ult, save it for that one deadly ability, in this case, CC or High damage (ex. blitz pull or zed ult)
Keep as much distance as you can, while stacking up feathers, once you have about 10 or so on the map, E, afterwards, it should be a matter of cleaning up, as long as you E'd at the right time.
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The runes are pretty standard. We get the atk/s marks to push our attack speed a little more, if you don't think you want or need it, swap them out for attack damage or lethality. Seals are armor so you can win trades in early game more effectively. Glyphs have scaling CDR so we can cap out the last 10% to open more options for the last item, and some scaling MR so help against the mid laner, or possibly the jungler. Quints just give us a little more damage.
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For the most part, these are very standard. We grab fervor since it compliments our attack speed very well. And we get assassin so that we don't have to rely on our support as much to be there.
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Skill Sequence

For the skills, we max out q first every time. As for W and E, they need to be changed depending on the situation. If you have Rakan, I nearly always max W. Only time I don't, is when I get behind in lane, and therefore I'm not trying to fight in lane as much. I nearly always max E when I don't have Rakan, however, if I do find that I'm getting ahead, I max W just so I can fight more.

You have to note that your E damage will scale more if you have more feathers on the ground, meaning the more attack speed you have, the more damage it can do. Leveling it up, while it helps, it doesn't do as much as just laying more feathers.
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When it comes to farming, you don't need to use your abilties at all. Xayah's AAs are fluid enough and you deal enough base damage for csing to be very easy.

If you do use your abilities, anyways, try to line them up your the enemy to get some poke off.
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That's the end of the build guide so far. I plan on hopefully adding some videos,or even starting to stream so that more people can learn the champion.

Now go hard carry some games.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aceshigher
Aceshigher Xayah Guide
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Xayah - High DPS Hard Carry

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