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Ability Order
Mana Surge (PASSIVE)
Xerath Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Heals your poke, dodges your stuff and bursts you down easily.
Standard harass
1. If your opponent walks on his caster wave, throw an on it and if it hits your lane opponent throw an on your slowed prey.
Combo to initiate a TF
1. Land a
2. Follow up with and
3. If your opponent just barely survived, finish him off with your
In the late game this combo can easily one shot their squishies, try hitting your as much as possible :)
Of course you can do much more with his kit, but i found these 2 combos to be most useful; always look for an opportunity to pull them off!
1. If your opponent walks on his caster wave, throw an on it and if it hits your lane opponent throw an on your slowed prey.
Combo to initiate a TF
1. Land a
2. Follow up with and
3. If your opponent just barely survived, finish him off with your
In the late game this combo can easily one shot their squishies, try hitting your as much as possible :)
Of course you can do much more with his kit, but i found these 2 combos to be most useful; always look for an opportunity to pull them off!
Early on you should focus on pushing the wave as hard as you can, since it will deny your opponent valuable GOLD and EXP. If your wave goes into their tower make sure to harass your opponent, but be careful about jungler ganks while doing that. Should your opponent fall under 1/2 HP, harass him!
Remember: your goal with is to force your opponent out of lane and getting farmed.
Remember: your goal with is to force your opponent out of lane and getting farmed.
One of Xerath's biggest strenghts is his sieging and objective control. If you are against an unorganized team you are pretty much guaranteed to have control over objectives.
With that in mind you should always watch the enemy jungler, if he is top or base go for drake immediately. If they enemy should try to do drake take your time and try to steal it with your range.
Furthermore, always try to have an on the map; the jungler WILL come really often if he's skilled, since you are very vulnerable with your kit and your perma pushing...
With that in mind you should always watch the enemy jungler, if he is top or base go for drake immediately. If they enemy should try to do drake take your time and try to steal it with your range.
Furthermore, always try to have an on the map; the jungler WILL come really often if he's skilled, since you are very vulnerable with your kit and your perma pushing...
Close your eyes and imagine you are a godzilla walking over a highway full of tiny shiny cars. Congratulations, you just discovered the feeling of playing Xerath in the Late Game :D
Jokes aside, you should keep 3 things in mind.
-Dont get caught
-Keep up vision
-Shove minion waves if tactically advantageous
-Dont let the enemy initiate, poke!!
-Focus the Damage Dealers
-Stick with a tank
Jokes aside, you should keep 3 things in mind.
-Dont get caught
-Keep up vision
-Shove minion waves if tactically advantageous
-Dont let the enemy initiate, poke!!
-Focus the Damage Dealers
-Stick with a tank
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