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Xin Zhao Build Guide by puhnanihunter

AD Offtank Xin Zhao - Jungling guide

AD Offtank Xin Zhao - Jungling guide

Updated on March 29, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author puhnanihunter Build Guide By puhnanihunter 2,108 Views 0 Comments
2,108 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author puhnanihunter Xin Zhao Build Guide By puhnanihunter Updated on March 29, 2013
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The Xin Zhao character is a a good melee champ, who can easily pick out target like the enemies Adc or AP carry.
This Xin Zhao is played as the offtank jungle who can still deal out damage to the enemy team, but still survie thoughtout battles.
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Just get the runes for more health so that you can survie the damage that you must take from the enemy team.
You will be the off tank and you need these runes, escpecially if the top is akali or a champ who hasn't got much health.
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The masteries are for the subtain in the jungle against the non-monsters.
Even though that he has his Wthen he still needs some substain so that he can get thought the jungle fast and gank even faster.
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Same as always: for the life-steal and a little armor, plus you can clear the jungle faster.
[] the standart shoes and upgrade it for the home guard editions so a quick start off the sporn. It is a great item for can break down the armor of an enemy champion. It also have some HP, CR and armor penetration. When you are the main man who needs to jump in the enemy team, the you need some armor and health. It also have the AoE effect for bonus damage. The magic resist and attack speed is really great. You gain more Magic-resist as you attack an enemy champ and the attack speed + your W helps a lot. At last the Mallet for slowing down enemies and for some health and a little attack damage.
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Skill Sequence

A way to gank the enemy top champ is to run in from behind, without him knowing.
Then use his Q and try for the knock-up and if he tries to escape then use your E to close up the gap. If all goes well, then you end up with a kill.
The same stragery works for the mid-lane.
In the bot you need to pick out the champ with the less life or the one who cant get easy away from the fight. But this time you need to engage with the E to close the gap and then use the Q for the knock-up and the kill.
You can jump into team-fights with the E and use R so that you can split the team away from the positions.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author puhnanihunter
puhnanihunter Xin Zhao Guide
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Xin Zhao - Jungling guide

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