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Xin Zhao Build Guide by DeathKnightA

AD Offtank Xin Zhao the Destroyer

AD Offtank Xin Zhao the Destroyer

Updated on March 2, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DeathKnightA Build Guide By DeathKnightA 7,435 Views 0 Comments
7,435 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DeathKnightA Xin Zhao Build Guide By DeathKnightA Updated on March 2, 2013
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I don't know as you to teach to be aggressive on a line, but you should understand that you can kill very easily, the main thing not to escape.... But to one against the big congestion of strong enemies, I suggest not to be put.
I should tell that I am allocated in fight potential differences on all other types of champions, and Xin - one of the strongest. Hope that this guide helps.
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Skill Sequence

7/19/12 (Xin Zhao Rework).

Xin Zhao(Remade).


Base Attack Speed increased to 0.672 from 0.658
Attack Speed per level increased to 2.7% from 2.5%

Challenge (Passive)
Xin Zhao challenges his target with his basic attacks and Audacious Charge, reducing their Armor by 15% for 3 seconds. Only one target can be challenged at a time.

Three Talon Strikes
Now reduces his other ability cooldowns by 1 second with each strike
Attack Damage ratio increased to 1.2 from 1.0
Cooldown reduced to 9/8/7/6/5 seconds from 10.

Battle Cry
Passive: Heals Xin Zhao for 26/32/38/44/50 (+0.7 Ability Power) every third basic attack
Active no longer reduces other abilities' cooldowns
Cooldown reduced to 16/15/14/13/12 seconds from 24/22/20/18/16
Mana Cost increased to 40 from 35.

Audacious Charge
Now challenges the target
Damage increased to 70/115/160/205/250 (+0.6 Ability Power) from 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.4 Ability Power)
Slow increased to 25/30/35/40/45% from 20/25/30/35/40%
Slow duration increased to 2 seconds from 1.5
Range reduced to 600 from 650
Cooldown reduced to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds from 16/15/14/13/12

Crescent Sweep
Now knocks all unchallenged targets back
Now has a 1.0 bonus Attack Damage ratio
Cooldown increased to 100/90/80 seconds from 75
Armor and Magic Resist bonus adjusted to 15/20/25 per champion hit from 25 + 7/10/13 per champion hit.
Now has a new particle.
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Pros / Cons

Distance closer;
Knock up;
Group slow;
Natural heal;
Unstoppable when feed;
Extremely fast;
Lanes well with stunner.

Picked on by ranged
A bit slow without items
Vulnerable to cc
No escape mechanism (except speed)
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My number one choices for Xin's spells are definitely ghost and exhaust. You can argue the benefits of almost any spell, but these two are standouts for the style of play that this build suggests.

Flash is a decent substitute for ghost. It can get you to a spot fast and save your *** from huge ganks. I still think ghost compliments this build more consistently, but feel free to make that swap.

Ignite can also be put in for those early kills, but in my experience the ghost/exhaust combo has allowed me to finish off most opponents. If you see the enemy team has a Dr. Mundo or Vladimir, then this spell becomes much more valuable. Don't underestimate the healing reduction it gives.
Another important thing to remember is that Xin has no real escape mechanism besides his speed. That being said, you can sometimes avoid ganks by using ghost and exhaust defensively. Don't be afraid to avoid your death by popping exhaust on the nearby carry and ghosting out of there.

Other Options

Ghost is another must-have. The vast majority of your kills early game will come from chasing enemies in your lane who you've already weakened. Late game, although you won't have a problem catching people because of your items, ghost let's you get to the other side of the map in a hurry, or chase down other people using ghost. Using this build, I have literally chased down slower enemies using ghost that have also exhausted me. That's the crazy speed we are talking here. Like I said, this build is all about getting to enemies quickly, slowing them down, and unloading your damage.

Exhaust is key to this build. Your number one difficulty as Xin will be keeping your enemies from running so that you can unload on them. You already have a slow and a knock up, but exhaust is the icing on the cake. A lot of kills will come from chasing down enemies as they are running away. The speed you get Trinity Force, Phantom Dancer, and ghost help, but exhaust is what will make your enemy's escape downright impossible. Exhaust is also great for one on one fights with another powerful melee character. The reduced damage from the enemy can often times tip the scale in your favor. With the mastery points set as they are, you will also be reducing armor and magic resist for that extra little pow.

Teleport can be extremely useful on 5v5 for getting around, so you may need to make that change for ghost. Hopefully a tank has teleport instead, and you don't have to sacrifice that killing power.

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The items on any champion are very important... But Xin Zhao in particular really benefits from getting the items in the order listed below.

Start items
berserker's graves Black Cleaver Frozen Mallet the bloodthrister Zephyr Guardian Angel
Personally I like to start with a Boots of Speed and 3 Health Potions . Another possibility is to start with Doran's Blade so you counter your squishyness early on with a bit hp. You can do this if you start without someone who can heal, but you'll have to base faster then. If you can't dominate your lane or your lasthitting isn't that good, consider buying another Doran's Blade. Try to farm as much as possible to get the items below as soon as possible.

Core items

Berserker's Greaves
Berserker's Greaves: 20 Attack Speed. UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement: +45 Movement Speed.(does not stack with other Boots). I prefer this over Boots of Swiftness because you need that extra amount of attack speed. Buy boots whenever you need the movement speed and/or attack speed. Don't buy your boots when you have no other items!

Black Cleaver
The Black Cleaver: 15 Armor Penetration, 55 Attack Damage, 10 Cooldown Reduction, 250 Health. Passive: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion reduces their armor by 7.5% for 4 seconds. This effect stacks up to 4 times..Against a normal team, you can buy this item. Reducing Armor together with 250 health and attack damage is a good item for a carry. Don't buy this when some of your enemy's have over 150 armor. It's better to buy a Last Whisper then.

Vampiric Scepter
(10 Attack Damage, 10 Life Steal.)If you feel you have to return to your base too frequently to heal up, and that your passive just isn't enough, consider purchasing a Vampiric Scepter here. This will later build into your Bloodthirster, but gives you some early lifesteal. I rarely feel that I need this item, but with the damage you will be dealing at this point, you'll be healed nicely from just the sceptre alone.

Zephyr:20 Attack Damage, 50 Attack Speed, 10 Cooldown Reduction, 10 Movement Speed Multiplier. UNIQUE Passive: Tenacity: The duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds and immobilizes are reduced by 35%. It gives you very high attack speed, as well as attack damage, reduction cooldown of skills and movement speed . Good is not it, right?? The passive means when you are getting reduced time duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds and immobilizes by 35%.Will also help you in time of battle.

the bloodthrister
70 Attack Damage, 12 Life Steal. Passive: Gain +1 Attack Damage and +0.2% Life Steal per kill. Maximum of +30 Damage and +6% Life Steal. Bonuses are halved upon death.. This item is the first item I built, early on, thanks to your passive, you won't die much so you can definitely stack it to have a nice amount of life steal.

Blade of the Ruined King
Blade of the Ruined King: 40 Attack Damage, 10 Life Steal. UNIQUE Passive: Your attacks deal 4% of the target's current health in physical damage and heal you for half the amount (120 max vs. minions). UNIQUE Active: Drains target champion, dealing 150 physical damage plus 50% of your attack damage and healing you by the same amount. Additionally, you steal 30% of their movement speed for 2 seconds (1 minute cooldown)..Buy this against a tanky team or a team with a lot of HP. It grants you a bit survivability and DPS. Don't buy this against a squishy team as it will have barely any effect.

Frozen Mallet
30 Attack Damage, 700 Health. UNIQUE Passive: Icy: Your basic attacks slow your target's Movement Speed by 40% for 1.5 seconds.. This item grants you survivability, a little bit Attack Damage and a free CC, a 40% slow. Against a tanky team or a heavy burst team, you might want to pick this item as 2nd.

Last Whisper
40 Attack Damage. UNIQUE Passive: +35% Armor Penetration. Use this against tanky team with a lot of armor, at least higher than 150, otherwise it's better to take The Black Cleaver which also grants. Together with the 25 Armor Penetration runes, you get: (Enemy Armor - 25 From Runes) * 0,6 From Last Whisper

Guardian Angel
50 Armor, 30 Magic Resistance. UNIQUE Passive: Revives your Champion upon death, restoring 30% of your maximum Health and Mana. This effect can only occur once every 5 minutes.. Now they have to kill you twice! Together with Flash you can escape and deal tons of damage after that. If you are going to buy this, buy it as last item. It also grants you much Armor and Magic Resistance.

Mercurial Scimitar
60 Attack Damage, 45 Magic Resistance. UNIQUE Active: Remove all debuffs from your champion and grants 50% movement speed for 1 second (90 second cooldown). Movement speed bonus does not work with Ranged champions.This one I would recommend to take the top line against magical opponents: Kennen, Vladimir and Mordekaiser etc.
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Time to refine.

Wriggle's Lantern
30 Armor, 15 Attack Damage, 10 Life Steal. UNIQUE Passive: Maim: Your basic attacks against minions and monsters have a 25% chance to deal 500 additional magic damage. UNIQUE Active: Places an invisible Sight Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 3 minutes. 3 minute cooldown.
This item allows for an earlier safer dragon kill.(By far the best item in the game for a jungler. Free ward every 3 minutes, 25% chance to deal loads of 500 damage to creeps, and 10% lifesteal. This item allows for an earlier safer dragon kill.

This is a short video on my masteries, runes, and a walk through of your first run through the jungle.( I apologize for the music fraps picked it up in the background and I didn't edit it out lol)

Control buffs

Blue buff
From the very beginning of the game jungler usually takes blue buff, because it gives a lot of experience. If you are paring the entire jungle on your side, you get a level 4.
Blue buff is best to give the AP-casters, or magicians. Champions, are heavily dependent on the blue buff: Anivia, Karthus, Cassiopeia, and others. Buff also does a really good AD-champions, who use a lot of abilities: Corki, Ezreal. Under a blue buff can easily collecting all the stacks charges on the Tear of the Goddess for such dependent on mana champions like Ryze.

Red buff
Red buff also needed jungler as blue buff to get a big boost at the start of the experience, to take the fourth level as quickly as possible. It is recommended to give red buff jungler, which is very much gank. This will make it more successful Hanka, due to additional net damage and slowing.

Red buff at the end game is best to give the AD-carry or melee bruyzeram. In the early and mid-red buff needed bruyzeram / jungler because they gank often. But when it's time timfaytov active, then mark your buff your AD-carry, to make kiting easier.

When to take that?
It is best to take the buff when they just appeared. Do not tighten in order to get buff, unless of course you do not want to take just 2 buff. Do not wait one more minute to get buff. If you wait longer, there is a high probability of running into a counter-jungling from the opposing team. If you can not stop a counter-jungling, do not take risks in order to select this buff. If you die, the opponents and get the gold with you, and buff.

Why to worry about them?
You should always get a buff to your team - they give a huge advantage. Blue buff gives preeminence casters because they are not worried about mana regeneration. They can spam your abilities for as long as 3 minutes and harass your opponent until his death. If you or poke pu***** enemy skill or you just need a blue buff, you mostly get the advantage over the enemy. A good example are the Brand, Anivia, Gragas, Morgana.
In turn, the red buff works well with the champions, having long-range attacks (mainly AD-carry): Caitlyn, Kog'Maw, Ezreal and Tristana.
Most dueling situations as time dependent on these buffs (unless the AP-carry accidentally take red buff). It is always a bad choice, as the AP-carry rarely use auto attack. In contrast, I believe that the blue buff for AD-carry - it's not so bad, but the AP-carry it fits better. AD-carry use it for that a 20% reduction in cooldown, allowing them to more spam your skills, besides not worrying about mana. In that case, when you give blue buff to your AP-carry, they spam their skills more often and are not afraid of mana issues. For example, Cassiopeia and Karthus become one of the strongest AP-carry, if you give them the blue buff. They use their (Q) as often as possible during the 2:30 or 3 minutes. Their DPS is so high that they can easily Skipped line and go gank. Sion, by the way, also fits this definition.

If at enemies isn't present jungler and you are assured of yourselves, i offer to begin with their golems.

Runes and Mastery Trees I have forgotten to change, I apologize.
But on video it is shown, how there should begin in jungle the beginner, in ranked you naturally should begin with the blue.
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Positioning for the blue buff
Early in the game you have to make a choice: to attack the enemy or to protect their jungle. If you choose a raid, you will need to choose which of the buffs (or entire parts of the jungle), you will lead the attack. In order to make a competent and quick raid, you need to quickly purchase. You need to make a raid on the enemy only when you have a strong team for the first levels. For example, champions Alistar, Taric or Sion very good, given that they have a fairly long stun that can hold an enemy in place for a very long period of time.

Positioning for red buff
The attack on the red buff built around the same concept, but here the point is basically to slow the enemy jungler to level and reduce its gankovy potential. Taking the enemy red buff, you reduce the potential number of ganking: the lower level of the opponents in the attack, there is no delay and additional damage. In the picture below shows the path of the attack on the red buff for both teams. As I said earlier, you need a strong team for the first levels.
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In conclusion, Xin Zhao is a very fun and powerful champion to play. I would recommend all players to try him at least once. I know this is a short guide but I will be adding more as my Xin Zhao experience increases, and the more feedback I get from the community. Criticism is always welcome, as long as its constructive. I really hope this has helped and that you enjoyed it.

Successful to you games.
Thank you for attention.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DeathKnightA
DeathKnightA Xin Zhao Guide
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Xin Zhao the Destroyer

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