She will show you and poke you and everyone else out of lane. Be carefull wen you use your windwall. If she is good then she is tracking those 25 s cooldown.
Try to get cc (preferably knock up on her) either with nado or from an ally.
Not too much of a thread. He dosen't get ability untill lvl 2. You can block all all of his spells except from the gravatum Q (pruple) and the Sceptum Q (red).
Be aware of the red gun since it shoots through windwall. Should be easy to kill early game. Is not that relevant until 3 items.
Skill matchup. She wants to poke you from afar and you want to all in on her. Be aware of her traps, so that you do not E into them mid wave.
You can block all of her dmg with a single windwall. But saving it for her R is really nice as well.
This matchup is support dependet and can swing both ways.
He just stat checks you early. He out damages mostly everyone bot. That said you can block everything with W.
Also when the axes are spinning back to him(if you find this useful)
This is one of few matchups where you do not win early, as Yas otherwise rely on
Worst matchup for Yasuo.
She will just jump around the wind wall.
She can still jump even thought the spear goes through the wall.
Wall does not effect her E.
Her ulty can canel yours.
Potential dodge unless the support works wonders.
He will mostly just stay back and farm. Cannot be caught since he has his E. Needs his support to step up in lane though.
WIll out damage you, but is not that scary because of your W-wall.
Try to land CC else he is hard to kill. If so just force his resources and zone from wave if possible. Fight him in waves.
Annoying matchup. Will out-scale you.
Do not get hit by her isolated Q. You do out damage her in the early game, so try to find an angle if she missteps
Dodge his R. Dash through the wave and kill him. Unless he is paired with a lulu this should be no problem
Skill matchup. He has early game dmg as well. Not as much as draven, but you should win the all ins (or 2v2s) at any EVEN point in the game.
Miss Fortune
You just win this if you get to lvl 6 without giving her being too ahead.
She stands still for her R. Perfect for a nado(or anyother skill shot. You can block all her dmg with windwall. Catch up to her with E dmg. (Her E is AP scaling on all it really does is low you).
Her AA and Q goes through the W-wall. If she gets 120+ stacks then you will not be able to touch her. You need to kill her 8(many) times before this happens. Passive play is not an option in this matchup.
Use the W to block her R denying shielding to her allies. Dash up to her and dash.
Fear the range of the arrow. He is another scaling adc. But you do block everything with W-wall. Can be skill dependent if he runs with another poking/mage adc.
Don't be too affraid to use your W here or put an extra point into it pre 6.
W-wall is not to much use here. If you are quick block the E (condem) as this is the most threatening spell she can cast. Otherwise save it for the support cc, especially if it wouldn't stun you against a wall.
She scales hard. Try to get ahead early.
as long as you save your W-wall for her E then she has very little damage in the mid game. You need to get on to her in the back line: try to play around the CD on her R to get an easy kill on her.
Very skill dependent. She has lots of MS. She is scaling so kill her early.
W-wall block everything except the spark and her AA (none-Q auto)
Dream come true if the player knows how to pilot her correctly. With both KO on W and R this is amazing
Good frontline with knock up (single target though).
Q stun is good. And he can get in you in lane a bit quicker. There are many better options out there.
No help. No frontline. No cc.
Nautilus at home: Can land a lot of good CC but you have to be the one to knock up if you want to actiavate your R.
Has a better lvl 2 than any other tank support (except maybe maokai with W Q)
Good in the early game and can knock up a target on her E, but you have to be quick to press R
makes up for the late game that you lack. can knock up with E, but you have to be quick to press R
Can aply bassive that has good synergy iwth HoB and it is also proced by your Q. His R is knock up withyours and any poking lane is lost due to both of you haveing E and W-wall respectivly.
Enchanter, with MS buff and a kncok up quite good.
Has cc and giant knock up. Lacks front line tankiness
Can disengage W/o minions. Can knock up with his E and can get pics with his Hook.
His E with your mobility is crazy good. Also he can make some impossible ulty dives possible with the invulnerability.
Tahm Kench
Can be good if he lands some good W's
Will shove your wave when trying to poke the enemies. Has no Knock up and no frontline.
Renata Glasc
NO knock ups, no front line, but she can save you from death which is nice.
He rallies the enmies up and knocks them up. Yas likes that
Has a knock up, but the duration is short. MS form his W is nice but you don't really benefit from the extra range.
Has good knock up and ap DMG
A better pantheon, But his roaming is annoying to play with if he is piloted suboprimal.
All in combo. Less cc more dmg version of leona.
Knock up, MS , AP dmg, sustain. She has all the things Yas wants.
Like jana, but your AA also deals extra dmg.
I just have a vendetta against Lux players. They will likely try to use E on the enemies and damaging the minions completely mess up your wave.
Q is good for early game. Plus point and click knock up, is worse in the late game than thresh would be.
AoE knock up. Is tanky. Can heal you
NIce sustain. Worse version of nami
MS is nice and so is the sustain. Worse version of nami
Better version of Lux, but will still likely push your waves with her w
Viable like Maokai
Dream come true if the player knows how to pilot her correctly. With both KO on W and R this is amazing
Good frontline with knock up (single target though).
Q stun is good. And he can get in you in lane a bit quicker. There are many better options out there.
No help. No frontline. No cc.
Nautilus at home: Can land a lot of good CC but you have to be the one to knock up if you want to actiavate your R.
Has a better lvl 2 than any other tank support (except maybe maokai with W Q)
Good in the early game and can knock up a target on her E, but you have to be quick to press R
makes up for the late game that you lack. can knock up with E, but you have to be quick to press R
Can aply bassive that has good synergy iwth HoB and it is also proced by your Q. His R is knock up withyours and any poking lane is lost due to both of you haveing E and W-wall respectivly.
Enchanter, with MS buff and a kncok up quite good.
Has cc and giant knock up. Lacks front line tankiness
Can disengage W/o minions. Can knock up with his E and can get pics with his Hook.
His E with your mobility is crazy good. Also he can make some impossible ulty dives possible with the invulnerability.
Tahm Kench
Can be good if he lands some good W's
Will shove your wave when trying to poke the enemies. Has no Knock up and no frontline.
Renata Glasc
NO knock ups, no front line, but she can save you from death which is nice.
He rallies the enmies up and knocks them up. Yas likes that
Has a knock up, but the duration is short. MS form his W is nice but you don't really benefit from the extra range.
Has good knock up and ap DMG
A better pantheon, But his roaming is annoying to play with if he is piloted suboprimal.
All in combo. Less cc more dmg version of leona.
Knock up, MS , AP dmg, sustain. She has all the things Yas wants.
Like jana, but your AA also deals extra dmg.
I just have a vendetta against Lux players. They will likely try to use E on the enemies and damaging the minions completely mess up your wave.
Q is good for early game. Plus point and click knock up, is worse in the late game than thresh would be.
AoE knock up. Is tanky. Can heal you
NIce sustain. Worse version of nami
MS is nice and so is the sustain. Worse version of nami
Better version of Lux, but will still likely push your waves with her w
In this guide i will mostly be covering ADC Yasuo. There are far more experienced Yasuo players out there that likes to play him in the sololanes, that does a much better job at playing and explaing him and his kit.
I am plat stuck ADC that peaked in emerald. Much of the strats that I use may therefore not be applicable in the elos above me as I have little to no experience there.
That said lets begin.
Why Yasuo ADC
Yasuo is one of the most underated ADC picks.
He is really good at punishing other skillshot dependent ADC's as his Windwall will deny most of their demage.
He is a fun champion with an almost infite skill ceiling making him a great challange to master.
His fast wave clear, high mobility and early game demage makes him an unmatched unit if he is piloted correctly.
In this guide I will try to so-
Updated Spell Description
(unknown embed type)
Yauso combos
Tips on Yasuo
This includes the wall jumps he can do on the current map, his AS cap for maximizing CD on Q and combos.
Tips for laning phase
Use your E to dash through a minion to bait out any spell your opponents have. Then E back out to dodge the spells giving you a window to attack. (especially if on your side of the map).
Last hitting under tower becomes very easy because you can AA cancel your Q plut you have extra dmg on your E giving you pleanty of dmg/oppertunity to last hit the minons even under tower.
In general do not feel tempted to press R whenever you see a knocked up enemy. Especially if they are on their side of the map/under tower. It is on a forgiving coldown, but it will put you stright into a fight- that you may not win
Tips for mid game
Play around your team and find good angles to engage with. If behind then you can easily sidelane and try to get some towers. At leas
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