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Yasuo Build Guide by VT1 Frost

Assassin Yasuo Mid (by VT1 Frost)

Assassin Yasuo Mid (by VT1 Frost)

Updated on January 7, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VT1 Frost Build Guide By VT1 Frost 1,690 Views 0 Comments
1,690 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author VT1 Frost Yasuo Build Guide By VT1 Frost Updated on January 7, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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I prefer Attack Damage, Attack Speed and Armor Penetration runes.
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I know, you are saying "Why not 21/9/0 ?" ok let me explaing; Yasuo is based on movement speed, critical strike and attack speed so I gave some points to Utility.
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Some people say you should first upgrade E to farm easier, come on man! That is not right! You can harass your enemy with Q and it is better to use at level 1 to deal damage.
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Phantom Dancer because it gives a hundred percent crit chance. And if you say why there is not Guardian Angel, if you really want it, but it instead of Blade of the Ruined King.
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Team Work

If you are playing with a friend ask him or her to pick a champion that knocks up other champs.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VT1 Frost
VT1 Frost Yasuo Guide
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Yasuo Mid (by VT1 Frost)

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