do not q3/r with her w up (or hold it for as long as possible to bait it out). continuously reset her passive until its in an unfavorable spot for her. stand against walls when she r's
short trades. do not go for extended trades as he will always win with passive, w and e. save e for when he jumps on u with q and e. only engage on him in ur e
weak level 1-2. take extremely early trades. post level 3, play safe. space his empowered q or wait until he uses it before going for a trade. short trades only. always avoid all-inning or diving post level 6. early tabs or warden go a long way
avoid trading her when she has max passive stacks and her e is up/e1 is active. go for max range q's when she goes to q/aa cs. move perpendicularly if she uses e2 or use e to dodge. stay away from low hp minions. do not e near a wave and in general, avoid trading/fighting on a stacked wave. use e to dodge r (if applicable, i.e not stunned by her e or external source)
short trades only. do not walk up with his e up unless u can space it and bait it out. landing ur q3 is essential as he cannot react with (q)-aa (and even then, w can mitigate some dmg). avoid extended trades due to his w. move perpendicularly out of his w or use e. u can also q3/e past him if ur not able to (but this is usually for all-in scenarios, aka when he's burned all abilities and can't respond). timing ur e2 is essential as u can cleanse his r
avoid going for trades without e as short trades (and extended trades) are favorable for him. also avoid trades when he has max stacks. timing ur e2 is essential as u can cleanse his w stun. always move perpendicularly to dodge his q. do not q3 into him as he will just block ur entire trade with e. when his q, w are on cd, get on top of him to hit him from behind to avoid e dmg and invulnerability. let ur team know when he's 6 and as soon as he's off map
spacing is essential, but she has 4 dashes which makes that extremely difficult. do not q3 into/e towards her as she will just q3 and/or w. while her q3/w are on cd (13s, .3s cd between casts, 4s cast window per q/11s @ r1), get on top of her to land q3 as she will just use e to dodge. just try to perma freeze against her and when u do fight her, u (and/or ur team) have to keep her perma cc'd. she builds for haste, so she will have extremely low cd mid-late game. just good luck honestly
d shield, second wind, and early mantle. avoid poke by going for cs when he goes for cs. look for short trades only. otherwise play safe and control ur wave properly
do not q3 into/e towards her as she will just e to dodge. avoid q poke by spacing properly or waiting until she wastes it on cs. short trades only unless w is down; u lose extended trades bc of her w
short trades only. u will always lose extended trades. avoid letting him freeze as u can never walk up to a flash/ghost darius. use e to dodge his q sweet spot or his e. great spacing makes this matchup less insufferable
short trades. extended trades are difficult due to his e shield but not unbearable. kite early as u typically have more ms with berserker rush, assuming he doesnt rush tabs. spacing is extremely important to avoid his passive bounce from minions to u
short trades. do not trade him when he's overheated. dodging his e's are essential as they lower ur mr. spacing is also extremely important to avoid q damage as u cs
very poke heavy in cannon form. look out for minion hp and dont stand behind low hp ones as he will just kill them and q-e u. go for short trades while his ult (6s) is on cd. only look for all-in's in cannon form
do not q3 into/e forwards him as he will just q u. q goes thru minions so space properly or hold e for dodging. avoid all-inning until he's unmounted, q3/r are easier to land (but always watch skaarl hp bar)
d shield, second wind. very poke-heavy. avoid going for cs until she does to avoid giving free dmg. do not q3 into/e towards her as she will just e u. u outscale just play safe
short and extended trades are good. do not trade him with his w up. stay out of his e range or hold e for dodging. let ur team know when he has ult, and track his ult timer (200s @ r1, 180s @ r2, 160s @ r3; can be reduced with ultimate hunter:
5 UH stacks
138s @ r1
124 @ r2
110 @ r3
give or take. this does not include 1-4 stacks or additional AH)
short trades. mitigate q poke with w. avoid extended trades as his e reduces atk spd unless it's on cd (7s) space his w to avoid giving free dmg. play relatively safe post level 6 to avoid getting ganked and locked up by his r
short trades. do not go for extended trades as he will always win with passive. save w for when he uses e. early tabs or warden go a long way
early long trades are best. avoid (short) trades with her q2 active. dont stand near walls as she will just e onto u. in that case, space or hold e to dodge (if not applicable, preemptive w for mitigation). always w her w unless u can just space properly. timing ur e2 is essential as u can cleanse her r.
dodge her e. trade when its on cd (16s @ r1, 15s @ r2, 14s @ r3, not applying AH). move perpendicularly to avoid q/passive tentacle hitbox. do not fight her in her r. her w is point and click so stay out of aa range while it's active or off cd
dodge his q. short trade only in e. do not trade him with his w active or up. avoid extended trades as he can just run u down, esp with rylai's rush. timing ur e2 is essential as u can cleanse his r.
do not fight him if he takes lt, u will lose. trade him with his q on cd (3.5s, call it 4), esp with e. avoid extended trades, esp if he takes lt. do not fight him post 6 even when ahead, he will just steal ur resistances
similar to trundle matchup. just dodge his q's and avoid (extended) trades with his w active or up. do not let him hit u while he's in r. in that case, w to mitigate as much dmg as possible as u stack q3 to get away
dodge his q3. avoid going for trades with his w up (24s). space properly to avoid being hit by q1-2 as he can go for passive and grasp proc. dont stand next to walls post 6 (unless ur in e)
consistent short trades to keep his passive on cd. poke him when he goes to q/aa cs. w to mitigate any dmg u may take if he goes for q into e. stay out of aa range while his q is active. avoid all-inning when ur low/diving even if he's low as he can just r u
d shield and second wind can be viable as matchup can be poke-heavy. otherwise, refillable goes a long way. trade him when he uses e as he will have no other getaway (aside from flash, if applicable). do not stand still/near walls when he is mega gnar. and do not q3 into/e forwards into him as mega gnar as he will just w then full combo u
spacing is so incredibly important. u can dodge all of his q's if u know its range. abuse trading when it's on cd (14s @ r1, 12s @ r2, 10s @ r3; 1s cd between casts; 4s cast window per q). move perpendicularly if hit by w or use e if necessary. avoid fighting him in his r unless u have grevious/ignite
go for short trades when his w is on cd (13s). dont q3 into/e forwards into him when it's up. continuously move to dodge his q's more easily. space properly when cs'ing to avoid e dmg. avoid all-inning/diving when he has r
perma freeze. force him off by holding onto ur q3. trade him when he goes for stacks. avoid risky trading (middle of lane or at his tower) without e as he will just w u. go for extended trades when w is on cd (15s) but avoid standing in his e. avoid all-inning/diving post 6 while he's in r or it's up
Dr. Mundo
dodge his q's but avoid standing behind minions as he can just e. u can consistently get rid of his passive with q3, and go for short trades while its on cd (60-15s @ lvl 1-18, 45-0s @ lvl 1-18 when canister is caught). always step on his canister (lasts 7s) if it does not put u in danger. avoid fighting him in his r unless u have grevious/ignite
not much u can do against his passive stacking. he out sustains u no matter how many trades u take, so freezing is the best option. do not all-in/dive him post 6 unless his r is on cd (120s. they typically dont lvl it past r1 until late)
spacing is important. stay out of her q/q-e range, esp when she has max stacks. so do not q3 into/e towards her as she will just respond with q. get on top of her for trades/all-ins as she can just w to avoid q3/r
dodge his e. if he hits it, use w to mitigate ghoul dmg. u can e/e2 out of his w. go for trades when he q/aa cs. avoid extended trades post 6 as maiden is a large portion of his dmg
spacing is incredibly important. stay out of e range or hold e to dodge it. so do not q3 into/e towards him as he will just e. avoid q as it slows, making his e easier to land, esp if u cant q3/r/flash away
bully her as much as possible pre 6. avoid fighting lvl 1 if she has lt, she's stronger. treat her like other ranged champs post 6, tho its much easier as u have more items and stats in this scenario. avoid all-inning/diving with her r up, unless ur e is active as u can just e2 (or in rare cases, wait until her r is done and e2 if execute is applicable)
abuse his long cd's and cast times. move perpendicularly out of his q's, interrupt with q3/r, or space them. stay away from bushes. his e goes thru minions, slows, and reduces armor, so avoid standing behind minions or dodge if in open space. space his w unless u can break it early (@ r1, 60 + 40% ap shield strength)
dont chase him. get out of his w as u cannot q3/e/e2/r out of it. space his q. if he flips u, move perpendicular to him to avoid more q dmg. avoid fighting him with his r active
space or dodge his q's. avoid standing next to the pillar or walls. go for trades while is w is on cd (12s). and space it when going for cs. hold e to dodge his ult (if necessary)
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