Honestly for me there aren´t any counter to Yone, but there exist some champs that can make you some problems if you don´t play well. Against Urgot, try to farm safety and avoid his E using E
He will punch you a lot and will charged the Lethal Tempo Fast like You, so you have to keep distance and poke him with Q and W, also use E if you need it, one time he has low HP you can fight him
It depends but Zed will avoid all your abilites if you don´t think hard, you have to poke him with your Q3 and then cast R, if you don´t do that, probably he will avoid your abilities using his w and R.
Just poke him and use your E and avoid his E and W with it, it´s an easier champ because has low movility, when he has low hp you can E-R him and kill.
Will always depends both abilities, you can win the lane if you poke her and you dont fall in her E and try to avoid some Q if you can
Very easier matchup for me, I poke her and AA her a lot when she tries to do something, the good thing is that you wont let her scale and she will be very behind in the game
Aurelion Sol
You will destroy him in lane, but he is has a very good scale so in 30 min of the game will be a problem, try to always focuse him because he has a good damage
Use E and other abilites to poke him and avoid his abilites going backwards with E again, very easy champ if you fight him correctly
Buy anti healing (Executioner´s Calling) first and try to avoid his e, doing this you will win every trade, yo can buy BOTRK because he will buy ap with life items doing him more tanky.
Just try to avoid his E and Q with your E, poke him and don´t let him get 5 stack of his passive, always try to kill him with your e to be more safe
Very annoying, avoid his e with your e and try to farm first, when he has r is a bit more difficult but if he waste all his abilities and you survive fight him
Try to use W before he uses W to get less damage, try to farm and if you fight with him try to stack your Lethal Tempo and punish him.
She is so annoying, she can be 0/5 but she use her E and if she catch you will deal you lot of damage, try to avoid it and poke with you E.
buy anti healing at first and then what you want, poke him, take a good distance you can use your q and he cant attack you.
If you are feed, this cat will help you a lot in fights with her R and will health you too
Both have sinergies with Q and R, because Yasuo can cast R if you throw someone in the air with your Q3 or R and well they are brothers very fun playing by his side
If you are feed, this cat will help you a lot in fights with her R and will health you too
Both have sinergies with Q and R, because Yasuo can cast R if you throw someone in the air with your Q3 or R and well they are brothers very fun playing by his side
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