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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10 Adaptive (6 AD or 10 AP)
+15-90 HP (lvls 1-18)
Ability Order
Mana Surge (PASSIVE)
Xerath Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
dont get hit by his ult at level 6 or you are DEAD. build hourglass or banshees if behind
Introduction to the Author

-Challenger on NA server
-Rank 1 Xerath on lolskill
-2.3 million mastery points on Xerath between all of my accounts
-Twitch streamer
-Special thanks to Booper for his help organizing the information and coding the guide!

In the early game as Xerath, focus on farming as much as you can. Poke when your mana is above 50% and also recognize when

Make sure to wave clear to keep mid tower alive. When the time is right, look to assist your team with objectives such as Rift Herald or Dragon. When you get into skirmishes or team fights make sure that you aren't on the front line though! Oftentimes you're going to want to poke before going all in, and later in fights use your ultimate to pick off low health enemies.
Make sure to stay in the backline while teamfighting and when possible focus your poke on the enemy ADC or midlaner. Xerath's late game damage is insane with the scaling build and masteries you bring to a point where a basic combo can one shot a member of their back line. It is important to play safe with your positioning though because you are immobile and have low defenses yourself!



E > W > Q:
If the stun lands from

W > Q:
The slow from your

Stealth Sniper Q
Begin to charge up your

Out of Wards
If you don't have a ward to put down but need to check a brush or baron pit, use your

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