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Zyra Build Guide by VeryNiceAshe

Jungle Zyra Jungle / Patch 9.8

Jungle Zyra Jungle / Patch 9.8

Updated on April 29, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VeryNiceAshe Build Guide By VeryNiceAshe 23 5 38,408 Views 0 Comments
23 5 38,408 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author VeryNiceAshe Zyra Build Guide By VeryNiceAshe Updated on April 29, 2019
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Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Champion Build Guide

Zyra Jungle / Patch 9.8

By VeryNiceAshe
Why you need to play Zyra Jungle
Hello, my name is Ashe / VeryNiceAshe and my summoner name is I buy panties. I am playing on EUW and I am currently Silver 2 with a winrate of 30% so very impressive. Here is proof : My opgg.

I have recently been playing Zyra jungle. Why you might ask ? Well it is after a period of reflexion that I have came to this idea. You see in season 5 I used to play the extremely strong Jinx jungle but Riot decided to kill it for season 6, I think because it was too good. So I needed to think about something else to play in the Jungle even if I don't main jungle at all. I came to the conclusions that Zyra was potentially the best Jungler in the game. Here is my reasoning :
    It's a plant so the jungle monsters will hesitate to fight it at first

    You can hit the monsters with your plans which makes it easy to not take damage since the monsters will be too occupied to fight with your plants.

    You have CC so ganks are ezpz and if you don't get first blood you are a weak player.

    Zyra is annoying and that's what makes her amazing

Now for the strategy on how to play Zyra Jungle. So you put your plants under the monsters and then you activate them with your Q or E and you'll see they will hit the monsters. Farm enough and you will get to a point where you do a lot of damage thanks to the items I adviced you to take. You might ask why take Twin Shadows, I will tell you that if you are like me and not very good at skillshot (I am Silver 2), then it can slow enemies so it makes it easier for you but also for your team. You might also ask why Zonhya, it's because AD champions are annoying.

With this champion you will be able to take kills even if you don't know what you are doing, you just put plants on the grounds and sometimes your ult and because people are not really smart they will stay in range of your plants so it's free kills for you. Keep in mind that Zyra is very weak, so you will have to play carefully to not get in dangerous situations, but it's okay because your plants will protect you.

Don't forget that to beat the jungle you have to be the jungle.

Thank you for reading my guide, I will do one next on Ashe top.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VeryNiceAshe
VeryNiceAshe Zyra Guide
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