Alright, first piece, there ya go. Anyone who wants to can go next.
Just to clarify, when you make your piece allow the next person to easily transition to their piece, like what I attempted to do.
@NSB That worm failed... so bad lol and yes I'll update the OP and ****
Can I go last? =D
also I've never done anything like this, so let's give it a shot.
also I've never done anything like this, so let's give it a shot.
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
here's mine, for the end
l0l I tried some new **** and kinda trolled around =D
the text thing doesn't work too well on a small section :c
l0l I tried some new **** and kinda trolled around =D
the text thing doesn't work too well on a small section :c
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
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Edit: also there should be a list on the OP so we know who is going next and I'll go 4th I guess?