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Toshabi's Chamber of Critique

Creator: Toshabi December 15, 2014 10:07am
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 10:07am | Report

"A detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory. art."

At least that's what I ripped from the internet. Toshabi's version of critique would go along the lines of

"Pointing out the mistakes you made as well as the things you did (and only) exceptionally well on in hopes of bettering the next project and artist overall. Destruction in hopes of building up."

You cannot improve without critique. Sure, people around here ask for opinions, but often times, I see remarks being something similar to the following three examples.

1. "It looks pretty cool! I really like it! x3"

2. "Yeah that looks cool but I think you should make it more like mine"

3. "That doesn't look all that good, maybe you should try it again"


That's when it struck me; It is up to Toshabi to do what no one else has set up here in the signature maker art forum section: A dedicated Critique thread. And so here I am, shop's all set up and everything. The only thing that's missing is a snazzy header image on this post, but I just thought of the idea now and will probably draw something like that a little later on tonight when I get home.

So before we begin, I'd just like to present you with the following:

1. What would you like for us to do?

Simple. Post up a piece of work (preferably, from your most recent work) and request critique from me.

2. What should we expect from you?

Depending on the workload you give me, I'll go over the topics of your use of Typography, design and color choices. I'll be sure to give you links to concepts, possible red lines and color scheme suggestions based on what you provide.

3. What are some things that we SHOULDN'T do on this thread?

- DO NOT take my critiques as a personal attack. These remarks are made to make YOU aware of things to work on to better your art. That's the reason why you're using this thread to begin with after all. NO ONE IS PERFECT SO THERE WILL ALWAYS BE MISTAKES.

- DO NOT use this thread solely to advertise your own sig shop. Posting your work in here should ONLY be done to get critique from me and nothing else. I don't expect anyone to drop a "Hey, lookit my work view my DA/thread here! ;3" but well, better safe than sorry!

- DO NOT post things like "UGH HEY ITS BEEN 2 DAYS WHERE IS MY CRITIQUE". I work full time and go to school full time. I WILL check this thread daily though because I benefit from exercising my design degree by critiquing. And with the Christmas season right around the corner, things may get a little busy and might delay some critiques based on how many people ask for critiques.

- DO be positive! Don't ever feel discouraged or at a loss if your work has a lot of flaws in it in my eyes. The fact that you now see where to improve should cause a fire to burn in you to want to tackle that challenge and become an even better artist.

- DO feel free to challenge my critiques. If you feel strongly about a design choice you made that you feel I 'didn't fully appreciate for what it is' call me out on it and we'll go over it in a bit more detail.

4. What are some things we SHOULDN'T do period?

- Do NOT EVER use the following fonts: Times New Roman, Minion Pro, Helvetica, ARIAL, PAPYRUS, COMIC SANS, Hobo, Courier, Calibri.

If you do, I will personally find you IRL and BREAK YOUR KEYBOARD.

And remember:


<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 10:12am | Report
look at all those fonts I never use....clearly I am super good at this.

These are almost a matched set and I'm pretty proud of them, tell me whatcha think:

<Altruistic Artist>
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 10:13am | Report
This looks really cool, I think I will actually partake in this.

I recently did this Ashe sig for 2 sigs 1 week, can you critique it for me?

If you found me helpful give me some +Rep :)
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Do u liek talkin liek dis? Well so does Janitsu! So check out Junatsee~'s Graphics for some awesome signatures!
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 10:18am | Report

ugh, where's my review
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 10:37am | Report
Wow, customers already. How delightful!

I'm going to create a new post per person. It will help to organize things better for me (and hopefully others).

look at all those fonts I never use....clearly I am super good at this.

These are almost a matched set and I'm pretty proud of them, tell me whatcha think:

This has a great comic book feel to it, which is a design choice that I felt greatly compliments the gesture of the subject overall. The boxed feel that the simple shapes you added in on this piece are what's to thank for this. What I love the most is the fact that you left the opacity around 50~60% on those shapes so we can let the rest of the background bleed through. This ensured that the rest of the signature didn't look to boring. Additionally, the distortion of the background was choice! Very great work and use of your tools.

In the middle, I felt like the subject's positioning could've been altered to the right a bit more. The current cropping is alright, but I feel like so much more is missing from the pose. The cut off can look a bit peculiar to some, and I feel like either expanding your canvas area or recropping the subject be considered. Alternatively, you can even expand the subject and I feel it'd bring the focus more on her face and what's in the bag. The mind of the viewer will definitely be able to fill in the rest. It's something you'll need to play around with, but it's definitely something that won't take much adjusting to do

On the low end, while the font choice and colors of said fonts are delightful,however, the size of them are simply way too small for this piece. I'm squinting to read it, and I feel like that's hurting the design more than anything. Expanding it would definitely improve the impact of this picture drastically. Possibly by 20-30% (Hopefully, you didn't rasterize this font yet). Second, the quote doesn't match the action at all. I would definitely consider an alternative quote choice for this one.

Similar in concept to the first one I critiqued from you on this post. What I want to say, is that right away, the font choice grabbed my attention. I'm not sure if that star was apart of the font (most likely, it was a glyph added in above the text), but that really sells the message to me. Definitely love what's happening again with the shapes here and the opacity of them.

In the middle, what I feel is a little off is the shape on the right side of it. I feel as though either it should be pushed back a bit more or it should be left out altogether. But honestly, my last point is what I think is causing things to be a bit off with this piece.

On the down low, the positioning of Caitlyn is sort of throwing me off. Being mindful of rules of thirds, you're almost in the right position, but I feel that she's much too centered in this picture, that and it will get more of her gun into the picture. I know you'd like for the font to be positioned on her gun as such (and rightfully too), but caitlyn is too much in the middle here, which is causing me to not really appreciate this piece for what it should be.

Additionally I feel as though, much like you did with the first piece, that you should consider varying the font sizes. This is especially true considering the quote being so dynamic. Diversifying the font sizes would create a more hard hitting message for those viewing it.

I enjoyed these pieces and the design concepts you had behind them. I hope the suggestions help!
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 10:47am | Report
IPodPulse wrote:
This looks really cool, I think I will actually partake in this.

I recently did this Ashe sig for 2 sigs 1 week, can you critique it for me?

Right away, one thing I love is the concentrated color range of this picture. It properly fits the character and the background has a very lovely use of textures and color, evenly spreading the color palette effectively throughout the canvas.

What's sort of bothering me about the lens flare use in the top right corner is the color/lighting of it. I honestly felt that the lens flare could've used one of the brighter blues found around ashe's arm in the top left corner (or even some color from her skin with a strong blue tint). This would've helped to further balance the color spread throughout the canvas. At the moment, I feel as it's too dull and it sort of swells up like a pimple on the current picture.

Lastly, the cropping could be a bit better. It should be explored. My suggestion is to raise up the subject a bit more to include in her other hand, because I feel as though that is a unimplied focus that was caused by the action of the subject. What's most important about this subject is her eyes and its focus. I'd have to see the stock image you worked with to give you a better assessment on possible positioning. It's something that you have to work with and consider when working with stock images.

That's the Toshabi perspective on it all.
jhoijhoi wrote:

Also, I think the levels of immorality in this thread are astounding. You'd really throw a child off a boat for your own luggage? Wow.

Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 10:48am | Report
Janitsu wrote:

ugh, where's my review

IceCreamy wrote:

(1:07): I prefer your balls over ***hol

<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 10:49am | Report
Toshabi wrote:
thanks :3

In the Caitlyn one: the star is actually part of the font, I just recolored it (GMD suggested it). I've done nothing with the text so I can't edit it, so I'll try changing the size of "headshot." to see if that helps.

That Eve quote really doesn't make sense, I'll try a different one and increase the size on the subtext.

Unfortunately editing the placement is less than simple because I cropped the images to the size of the signature after placing them. T-T I'll probably find another image and make a new one based on the critiques of the placement/boxing in of these two images just to see if I can make it look a bit better.

Thanks again, it does help. ^^

EDIT: Oh, and +rep
Toshabi's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 10:54am | Report
thanks :3

In the Caitlyn one: the star is actually part of the font, I just recolored it (GMD suggested it). I've done nothing with the text so I can't edit it, so I'll try changing the size of "headshot." to see if that helps.

That Eve quote really doesn't make sense, I'll try a different one and increase the size on the subtext.

Unfortunately editing the placement is less than simple because I cropped the images to the size of the signature after placing them. T-T I'll probably find another image and make a new one based on the critiques of the placement/boxing in of these two images just to see if I can make it look a bit better.

Thanks again, it does help. ^^

A general rule of thumb in all photo editing is "non-destructive editing" so you can always have resources available for such occasions. I suggest looking a bit into image masking for your further projects. I'm not sure if you have that option with GIMP, however. I'll do a bit of research and tell you my findings.

For now, I recommend creating a large canvas and creating a small, centered shape in the middle on background layer called "Work space". The workspace shape should be in proportion to the finished product's dimensions. Clone that layer and have the above layer be an outline of the workspace base with a very bright color "like lime green". This will give you the workspace boarder to measure your edges with. Lock both layers and bam, you got a set up similar to Illustrator. From there, you can work in GIMP with some form of image masking. When you're finished and ready to go, simply SAVE AS "Project_Final" as a new save file, crop the image to the shape and send the product out to the printing floors.

I hope this helps!
MrCuddowls wrote:

Hahahaha telling me my items are bad HHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAhA
Listen buddy don't judge someone's items if your only level 13
This build is Platinum approved, Thats all you need to know

<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 11:03am | Report
yea, usually I don't crop anything until I'm completely finished, but I think I cropped these two earlier so I'd stop grabbing them instead of the borders when I was trying to move stuff.
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