B-Wong wrote:
Don't get Deathcap/lich bane. Don't go AP. It doesn't help anything. Your ult hurts a slight bit more but your should be focusing on your parley and physical damage.
Well I mean a 1-1 ratio on the heal is great. Plus it's quite a bit more not a slight bit. It usually hits 200-250's. Thats a lot.
The parley is still high # from the Lich I find I benefit from it I was more or less looking for what my last two items should be, not people saying "dont go AP"
Currently looking for a team, I'm an amazing skill-shotter and prefer tanky roles (Garen, Renek, Amumu) or straight up AP DPS (Nidalee, Veigar, etc) :3 Although I'm a great Sona too.
what do you mean his old passive...?
they buffed his passive 2 patches ago and the most recent one they only lowered max stacks by one...
they buffed his passive 2 patches ago and the most recent one they only lowered max stacks by one...
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
wRAthoFVuLK wrote:
what do you mean his old passive...?
they buffed his passive 2 patches ago and the most recent one they only lowered max stacks by one...
They changed* his passive. I'm personally going to miss nullifying half of my opponent's hp pots for 10 seconds. Also random kills 10 seconds after someone escapes me :)
Though I have to admit, I'm looking forward to Parrley-poisoning people
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Wait I'm confused what change...?
No change in Leona patch notes... o_O
No change in Leona patch notes... o_O
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
wRAthoFVuLK wrote:
Wait I'm confused what change...?
No change in Leona patch notes... o_O
I was referring to you saying they "buffed" his passive two patches ago. I was just saying it's more of a change (even if it's a good one) since it lost some fun aspects, like the really long poison and healing reduction.
The more recent change only nerfed the max stacks on his poison from 5 to 4.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Here's how I see it I'm not saying your wrong, you probably can farm a bit better with AD. But so long as you can last hit properly having that early game AD shouldn't really matter. Other than for early game kills, I'll admit AP GP is 100% useless till around level 4 when he has two levels in his heal and his parley. At which case it's good for him to take advantage of the fact he /is/ AP. A lot of people won't expect it, and you get in a fight with them. Press W and you're half health. Bricks are shat, and you pick up a kill. But he is really easy to deny and hard to farm with, you are correct there.
Once he hits 6 he has possibly the most useful ult out there, you can go grab blue after your first ult cast since he can solo it. Since by about level 7-8 you should have yoru sheen+Sorc shoes from a kill or two, and assists with ult. You can then rush your Lichbane which STARTS to make up for the weaker parley with the right runes you should be sitting pretty around 125+ AP with your lich (I run flat AP blues, reds, and quints. Mp5/lvl yelllows) This includes your ignite mastery. That parley now hurts, a lot. And even when you heal yourself your next auto attack will hit like a ***** too. From there you grab the deathcap and bam, more parley damage and again, more healing and more of a rediculous ult. I've seen a whole team at dragon around level 12ish and dropped an ult there. ended up getting a quardra. That Ult, HURTS.
I guess it comes down to your kind of play style. I like deciving my enemies, 'o look low GP', 'o**** full GP'. Rather than just running in with a ton of AP/Crit and tanky.
Once he hits 6 he has possibly the most useful ult out there, you can go grab blue after your first ult cast since he can solo it. Since by about level 7-8 you should have yoru sheen+Sorc shoes from a kill or two, and assists with ult. You can then rush your Lichbane which STARTS to make up for the weaker parley with the right runes you should be sitting pretty around 125+ AP with your lich (I run flat AP blues, reds, and quints. Mp5/lvl yelllows) This includes your ignite mastery. That parley now hurts, a lot. And even when you heal yourself your next auto attack will hit like a ***** too. From there you grab the deathcap and bam, more parley damage and again, more healing and more of a rediculous ult. I've seen a whole team at dragon around level 12ish and dropped an ult there. ended up getting a quardra. That Ult, HURTS.
I guess it comes down to your kind of play style. I like deciving my enemies, 'o look low GP', 'o**** full GP'. Rather than just running in with a ton of AP/Crit and tanky.
Currently looking for a team, I'm an amazing skill-shotter and prefer tanky roles (Garen, Renek, Amumu) or straight up AP DPS (Nidalee, Veigar, etc) :3 Although I'm a great Sona too.
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here's what I do now.
Flat AP Quints, reds, and blues. Mp5 yellows.
Grab amp tomb and a mana pot and go to a solo lane. Last hit with Q, heal like a boss with W.
From there I go... Sheen > MPen Boots > Deathcap > Lichbane > ... And I run out of time almost every game, I was thinking maybe a PD and a IE? So I can crit AND lich parley? or should I just keep going AP.
Come end game I'm better than a critplank beacuse I have an amazing heal/ult, and my parley still hurts a fair amount due to the lich bane. He's just a bit slow from 1-6.
Some scores I get..
Those are the last 4 games I did this build.