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Competitive Premade Tier List

Creator: Fruyti February 24, 2013 8:21pm
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2013 6:07am | Report
so alistar >> taric?

and i really don't understand why amumu and sejuani are in different tiers.

+: rip olaf jungle?

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Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2013 7:01am | Report
Amumu's just much better than sejuani tbh. Doesn't matter how much you get counterjungled as amumu, you're still worth 10 seconds of CC and % of enemies health.

On sejuani, if you get counterjungled to **** not only are you gonna do 0 damage with your health scaling aura, you'll also get demolished making the slow(which is the only reason to pick seju>amumu) an almost non-factor.

Amumu is just better as it is
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
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Jul 17th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2013 2:50pm | Report
@sirell, @Polse

Taric would be fantastic in a solo queue environment, as he can become aggressive. However, in a premade environment he would more likely be used as a defensive shield as teams are much more... understanding in his potential. He may also provide a lot of stats to his team, but it's not that huge of an effect. His Shatter is FLAT armor reduction, so it's not that effective on tanks. However, Alistar on the other hand, has a lot of diving potential with his ultimate and CC, and can also be played defensively in lane. Headbutt is truly a good peel, and his Q can be a peel and a strong initiator as well as it is a knockup, the best form oc CC in the game. Overall, Alistar brings more to the table, rather than Taric, mainly because of their kits and uses.

Janna is low because she doesn't offer the aggressive aspect of the game as much as other supports. She doesn't open up oppurtunities efficiently and her knockup is a simple knock up that is mainly used to cancel jumps, etc. Her Zephyr is a single target slow that isn't really useful. Her shield gives 50 AD for 5 seconds, ONLY if it doesn't break (which it will easily, since it's only 300 hp). Her Monsoon is very poor healing, and overall, her peeling potential isn't amazing at all. Lastly, her laning phase is easily not mana efficient if she uses Howling Gale and Zephyr.

"Ezreal has everything." - Doublelift. He has no weaknesses, best kind of escape, has poke, has burst, extremely mana efficient, and a steroid; a well rounded character.

Varus is more complicated to play well, I put him lower than Ashe because 1. He can't kite as well as her. 2. His slow is a conditional slow. 3. His % damage is also conditional.

Explained why Thresh is so low, @above.

Garen is just a lane bully and has excessive tankiness from his abilities, with decent base damage. But he lacks utility and gets kited so easily, and his ultimate is a finisher (magic damage too), so executing is so painful.

Rumble could be higher, but he lacks the damage, in this tank meta. He has a lot of potential to be good if he gets ahead in lane though. However, overall, what makes Rumble and other AoE AP champions less popular is the existence of Runic Bulwark.


Alistar vs. Taric debate, @above.

Alright, Olaf jungle could be a really low tier, but he's not as strong as other junglers (Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV), since his ganks are hard to pull off, and his CC being a predictable skill shot. Additionally, its slow is nerfed as well.

Amumu > Sejuani, because he is much more safer as a pick. Better clearing speeds, takes less damage because of his Tantrum passive, so this means he has much more options after grabbing double buffs, unlike Sejuani who would be really low. His Curse of the Sad Mummy is just naturally stronger than the pigs, hes also tankier, and has a % damage from W; he's just naturally stronger than Sejuani in terms of damage, CC, and tankiness. ONE HUGE THING: Sejuani's Ultimate stuns the main target for two seconds, but only stuns the surrounding targets for only ONE second.
koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2013 3:00pm | Report
since it's teamranked I think ashe should be higher, other than that rather understandable.

oh noc mb a bit hihger in tier 2

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Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2013 3:15pm | Report
And i who thought your support didn't need to be a jack of all trades in a premade environment.

She's the best at what she does therefore i'd assume she'd be placed higher. The only "bad" part of her kit is her shield, and even that isn't that weak compared to other support skills. See zyra Q, fiddle W and blitz W.

also didn't "whatever her name is at the moment" play a ****load of sivir at some point?
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Fruyti's Forum Avatar
Jul 17th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 25, 2013 3:25pm | Report
@koksei - Ashe's ultimate may be useful in catching people early and mid game, but will be very difficult late game, where people are far more cautious and behind their tanks. And if you arrow a tanky bruiser it's like... useless. Sort of like Skarner! Her impact late game isn't as strong as perceived, since she needs a stronger laning phase. Additionally, during early-mid game, it's pretty hard to kill a Warmogs guy with only Infinity Edge using only autos and volleys.

Nocturne's kit is more for himself rather than his team. He offers a different type of utility and his ultimate is somewhat good. He also has less early game damage than Vi, J4, and Xin. ot only that, but his damage only comes from autos, rather than spells like the rest of the junglers, so you need to land Q's and E's alot.

@polse - Janna's peel is not that exceptional at all. Her W is a single target slow, and her kit is overall not so strong, @above for more info, like you read.

Do you see Janna having a fear that scales with level, or an AoE silence, or what about an AoE snare that scales per level, a knock up supported by slowing plants? These other skills are what separate them from Janna.

They provide opportunities throughout the game, especially in laning phase, unlike Janna. And coupled with the strong junglers now (J4, Vi, Xin, Hecarim), ganks matter, and Zyra, Fiddlesticks, and Blitzcrank make that happen, not a -run up W Q-.
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2013 5:56am | Report
draven? ali? varus? garen?

WHerE jaX?

Fruyti's Forum Avatar
Jul 17th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2013 1:02pm | Report
EDIT - added Jax to top, Nidalee to mid and top, and Olaf to jungle.


H4xDefender's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2013 3:29pm | Report
Jayce really isn't that good a top laner anymore, almost every single diamond/challenger top lane main I talk to agree that he is a better mid laner then top.
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2013 3:32pm | Report
Fruyti wrote:

EDIT - added Jax to top, Nidalee to mid and top, and Olaf to jungle.



ok I admit I didn't read the other comments cus when I posted there was just 1 page lel.

explanation on why Jax is low and Ali high though?

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