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FalseoGod's journey to Narnian Elo

Creator: FalseoGod December 6, 2012 7:02pm
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2014 4:51am | Report
But I must, my people need me!

Wow I managed not to die on my last 3 ranked games I'll probably go 0/20 next game ! These were all pretty "standard": opposition suxxed.

First Lucian game: Enemy trist was a bot, she hardly moved in lane at all, let me go E and Q on her easily without even having to worry with blitz since he positioned opposite me, with minions between us. Had she decided to W ham on me and blitz follow I'd be pretty screwed, but none of that happened. I collected a few kills bot and, despite enemy Yasuo starting well, we just snowballed and destroyed them.

Second Lucian game was also pretty simple. Although my Morgana did screw me a bit with her recalling late (which made me blow my Flash since nami and kog went ham, they didn't have any summoner spells anyway), eventually she caught the Nami (who apparantly thought she was playing a tank) and we started getting fed, controlling dragon, etc. Also, I'm surprised these high elo Elise players rush the AP Jungle item when they're behind and still think they're these amazing tanky spiders. Idiots.

Ahri game I had my ******** clenched since I was against Syndra and Jarvan IV jungle, but it relaxed a bit when I saw she took Heal (although I am well aware she can 100-0 me without Ignite, this showed me a lack of confidence on her side) and once I saw her play...well. She was pretty freaking horrible, blew both summoner's simultaneously at level 4 just by her tower (and just me there, without bothering to Ignite her), so I just killed her at 6. Jarvan IV came too close to the tower with double buff so I charmed and killed him as well, and from then on I just snowballed hard.
Last Plagas
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Sep 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 19, 2014 5:10am | Report
Ez game ez life.
Every time you succeed, I bleed a little.
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 23, 2014 4:30pm | Report

Getting back to plat 3: successful. Both series wins were Karma support (aka full ap Karma). First game was REALLY scary, our Rammus jungle got really outplayed by enemy Lee Sin and they seemed to be ready to win the game any moment. Fortunately, me and Caitlyn bot held really well, even despite 4 man ganks, and eventually what started as a 1-7 game turned into something like 22-7.

This game was pretty traditional, Graves sort of messed up early game and gave first blood to Thresh, but I immediately killed Caitlyn. We held bot firmly and got good ganks and even though they had fed champs we turned it around (their ****er was trash). Our Akali had a hard time they had always vision for her pool and she kept getting caught, but they had Heimerdinger and ap Nunu & Willump and didn't do jack because they depended on two AoE ults to win tfs.

Both games I outdamaged most of my team :3
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 14, 2014 11:37am | Report
Back to Plat 4; First game I caught a Cassiopeia player who said he wanted to first try her and was pissed that he had just been demoted from plat 1, didn't do jack the entire game despite me camping mid to try and motivate him.

Game 2 we caught a guy who said "Mid or troll", someone else picked mid and he went Karthus jungle, which is ok. We got 2 kills by invading, and then he fed doublebuff to enemy Lee jungle, died to lee again and then a third time, so lee started 3-0 with about 700 extra gold. We got a double kill bot ( Karma/ Jinx versus Lucian/ Lulu), then Lee ganked and gave Jinx a double buff, and then we got Lee and Talon botlane 24/7 while karthus pressed R and suicided while giving comments like "Nice kiting Lucian".

Got demoted.

And then 3rd game, they first pick Mordekaiser, I pick Swain and it's the Karthus from last game. I start 4-1, then we struggle a bit midgame because of enemy Wukong (and our ADC was Draven while theirs was Tristana, which makes it complicated), but eventually we won and got a second set of reports on that *******.
Last Plagas
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Sep 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 15, 2014 12:50am | Report
Great adventures of mysterious "we" duo continue.
Every time you succeed, I bleed a little.
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2016 3:53am | Report
Front Page updated in preparation for 2016 Ranked. Will add team mates/dynamic queue mates later.

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