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FalseoGod's journey to Narnian Elo

Creator: FalseoGod December 6, 2012 7:02pm
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2012 7:02pm | Report

Last season - 2015 - I did exactly what I set myself to do: get Diamond Elo. Because most of my duo partners where nearly 1 Tier bellow me - and because solo isn't something I enjoy THAT much - I decided to stop at Diamond 5, since every loss ate away at my MMR.

This Season, I have decided to go for at least Diamond 3. I probably needed to become a bit more of a one trick pony to climb further since I play waaaaay too many champions due to easy boredom, but I should be able to reach Diamond 3.

Like I said, I play too many of these League champion things but I'll try not to disperse too much. Roles are ordered by preference.





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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2012 10:17pm | Report
Accidently deleted my to-be post, I'm just gonna share the two recente games. DUNKSVILLE INC!

Anastasios's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2012 10:31pm | Report
Looks like akali will be more "GET THE **** OUT OF THE SHROUD" with Liandry's now.

Many thanks to MissMaw, LaCorpse, Xiron, Arcana3 and Joxuu for making me sigs!
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2012 10:34pm | Report
Not sure how good it is on her, but this guy did a triple kill under the enemy turret, and we're talking Miss Fortune, Brand and Jax (they did come in turns, but talk about dunk)
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2012 8:12am | Report
GL. i'll be watching.

Sig made by Aquilegia
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2012 9:27am | Report
Pheyniex wrote:

GL. i'll be watching.

Thanks bra!

I'm at 1338 elo now, still not doing much good (9-9). 2 Zyra games, one as support where I supported and which was going fine but their renekton completely snowballed on us, allowing for the rest of the team to succeed as well. We had some good teamfights and I was feeling positive, but Ezreal got a triple kill and it was pretty much a loss from there.

The victory cost us more than I had wanted. We started off pretty well, but then enemy Sejuani got amazingly fed, starting to help her team. I laned versus a terrible Orianna whose only kills were basically steals. I think the only good thing she did was get points on her E for my plants. Still, was able to snowball kinda hard, our Jayce also got ultra fed and our teamfights were mostly devastating wins.
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2012 10:20am | Report

Another Draven victory. Their first pick was Varus, so I just got Draven. Picks followed each other naturally.

Varus actually got first-blood, on Leona. However, that was hardly worth anything, because with just one kill every single time they stepped into the lane one of them would die to me. Katarina and Jarvan IV were the only worrisome enemies, but eventually we all started teamfighting and that was usually a bloodbath in our favor. Jarvan IV and Gangplank started some weird stunts to kill me while their team was wiped out, but it really didn't mean anything in the end.
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 18, 2012 11:52am | Report
Once upon a time there was an awkward guy who decided locking a flaming angel of fury as first pick without banning gravediggers is a good idea.

That guy - let's say it's me - actually got a good gank top from ninja turtle Rammus, awarding him with 200 gold and the chance to shine. Instead, he decided to fumble with items the entire game for no good reason, alas giving his wings some rest and instead piggyback riding his team's ultra-fed Graves, only once saving his *** with divine Intervention.

In the end, all was decided by Rammus's ability to look fat and menacing, allowing a general cleanup from the rest of his team. Enemy Viking - who had been crying all game long - was silenced by his own stupidity and going all BROMACIAAAAAA on the ninja turtle. Gee Gee.

Once again, my plannet tasked me to be the first to choose a representant. Headstrong, I chose Nidalee, because becoming Simba is always an asset for any team and because I'm a coward and could always choose one of two lanes. When my foes decided Orianna would be a good opponent, I decided mid lane was my true calling. I was correct.

The night huntress Vayne feasted on my enemies fast enough, just as I served them a sharp javelin now and then. Intergalactic messages coming from the enemy team told us they were whinny bastards who kept blaming their KOS-MOS for being a bad mid. Which is true. Still, their Maokai was as terrible as they come, chasing simba accross the woods and eating all the spears he could. Must be a tree thing.

We did receive some distress calls from our Monkey, Wukong, who was troubled with the enemy's Noxian Executor. The distress message resembled "WHY DIDN'T YOU FORBID DARIUS HIS POWER BREAKS THE SYSTEM'S PARAMETERS!!" Encrypted, we could read "I dunno how to deccoy out of this guy so I'll blame the ban guy".

After much distress and many difficulties. We prevailed.
No, actually they weren't any good and it was a given.

Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2012 6:28am | Report

Sometimes you just gotta use your gems to Dazzle and Dunk. The enemy nighthuntress decided she wanted to Ignite her way through this game, me and Maokai accepted the challenge. In a really heated level 2 double duel, gems managed to hammer Vayne's face for first blood, Ezreal was headbutted by nunu but his ignite also took the yeti down. Great start.

Meanwhile, toplane Woman-Simba was having some issues wrestling the Bear-tiger-phoenix-turtle man. The Tree came to the rescue, and both died gloriously, making sure Udyr would snowball on Nidalee for so long she started cursing in french and threatning to leave. Good thing our robot guy was snowballing to Viktory, while me and Ez kept dunking and redunking. Vayne likes gems so muck it's outrageous. Meanwhile, I begged Ezreal to get a beautiful Mercurial Scimitar because I like my guys immune to suppression. He obliged (bless his soul)

Eventually came the time to venture out of our little pieces of earth (after securing a big'ol'dragon) and wreck face elsewhere. Nidalee decided authism was her thing and just pushed and pushed while we tried to 5 v 4. Udyr learned the hard way why having to run towards your opponents can be a really bad thing while Viktor just unleashed utter chaos and destruction, raping left and right. Eventually came the whinning from the enemy team (good old "team sux") and we cleaned up.

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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 22, 2012 9:37pm | Report
Current Elo: 1480
Win/Loss: 21/14

Did a lot of ranked matches today, but don't feel like talking about them since nothing special happened. Was carried on one of my Elise victories but every other victory I had I basically carried or co-carried.

About the defeats, had a terrible Akali game where the enemy started with switched lanes, tristana W'ed me out of the brush and got some autos to lower me hard, I had two wards and saw their Hecarim close by. Amumu had just done blue, I asked for help because I was sure they'd 3 v 1 dive me, he said "just farm under tower", and I was killed as predicted. Team said "reswap", so I went as level 2 dunked akali vs level 4 AD Nidalee. Nothing good came of that and I kept getting dunked no matter what lane I tried to farm on.

We were actually close to winning that game tho, but in the end Kha'Zix was caught out of position twice and we lost two key teamfights.

The other defeats were basically either trolls (a Khazix ragequit when I went jungle Eve because kata got a double to which he baited me to), lost a Swain game because our Fiddlesticks support couldn't ward at all and chased like crazy, allowing enemy Ahri to snowball madly, and lost a Caitlyn game because enemy top (jarvan) and mid (zyra) lanes snowballed and my Leona did a terrible engage to which ez got a double.

Won all my support games! (only 6, but yay)
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
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