Welcome to the League of Draven :>
Plat 5, my long elo nightmare, might now be behind me. Failed two series but this time I went 2-0 (first game Syndra 2-1-2, very uneventful against a velk'oz who thought he was supposed to try to trade with me. Thanks to that I had 140 cs at 16 and was 1-0 coz Lee Sin thought he could gank a level 7 Syndra with half his hp bar lal)
Second game I started 1-1-1, their Thresh and Caitlyn continuously surviving me and Leona with 50 or less HP. However, Bloodthirster pretty much made the match, I became unstoppable and got a shyv and a GA just to mess with them (they were pretty cheesy in terms of plays and my Kayle had suicidal instincts as well so couldn't count on her ult much). After a double kill while we fought for their blue they surrendered.
I'm pretty sure this champ is broken in soloq against ANYONE who don't know the gig: start your red, get 3 stacks, Q+E > go to the brush of the buff they're going to kill > If they ward you're in range to jump Q E + Empowered E (snare) and now they're ****ed coz most places they try to run to will have brushes or they'll flash and be in range for your flash. If they don't ward, let the buff hurt them a bit, kill them, get the buff, get out.
Not to mention I decided to gank top at level 4, jax didn't react so I solo'd a full hp Nidalee
Plat 3 yay!
I'm really sad about my Swain score though, it's unredeemable. I actually have a negative w/l ratio even though I do well 90% of my games. Last game I went 12/6/11 (yeah, died a bit at the end, defeat and all that) with a 3/11 Tristana and a dc'ing Rengar. I'm really sad that I just can't seem to win ranked games with him no matter how hard I wreck, there's always a REALLY negative lane/afk'ers.
ANYWAY: did two plat 3 promos, lost the first promo (1-2: Lissandra win (vs Anivia), Swain and Caitlyn losses (vs Ashe/braum). Both losses I had afk's/half afks.
Now I won my series (2-1: Rengar game where I ****ed myself invading their Nasus blue (blueside/close to toplane). I nearly killed him but he managed to escape, then I tried to run but was trapped by Quinn and their midlaner, she got the passive right over the wall to baron, hit me, used Vault and I lost my head and panic flashed so she didn't fall off the wall again and killed me. I had no escape either way but blew the flash. We still recovered midgame (AP Malph top, me Bruiser, mid Orianna) and they had exposed nexus which was 1 auto away from dying when they stopped me QQ, but then our Zyra suicided and they pushed for the win 5vs3 (I tried to backdoor when we baited baron because I didn't realize Quinn had Teleport, as she had never used it AND when I ganked top I asked about her Ignite, which malphite forgot to mention she didn't have. In the end it was my lack of Summoner Spell awareness that got me ****ed)
Elise game was pretty standard: My first three ganks, two gave us kills. I managed to pressure all lanes and get us kills. Lissandra mid also roamed very well and did some impressive plays. We were all extremely coordinated for strangers and chained our CC very appropriately, never giving space for Vi or Zed to run or get their damage going. I was pleased with it all, except when Lissandra told me zed had ulted and when I went to kill him (20 seconds later) he ulted me for the Spree Shutdown (QQ).
Karma game was one of those that makes you wonder "Is this really plat?". Our Lucian has 10 second DCs every 20 minutes starting around minute 4 (lolwat). Their Caitlyn dc'd at level 3 after getting outplayed hard by me and Luc so she based and returned two minutes later. Our Master Yi top got first blood but got raped by Maokai from then on and midlane was a farm fest. Their Maokai with Teleport and Warwick tried the usual 5-man-gank botlane which didn't go half as well as they wished and we were just stronger in teamfights, not to mention caitly was terrible/trolling and their Warwick decided to afk close-ish towards the end.
I swear, the number of afk players in plat is becoming obscene.
I'm really sad about my Swain score though, it's unredeemable. I actually have a negative w/l ratio even though I do well 90% of my games. Last game I went 12/6/11 (yeah, died a bit at the end, defeat and all that) with a 3/11 Tristana and a dc'ing Rengar. I'm really sad that I just can't seem to win ranked games with him no matter how hard I wreck, there's always a REALLY negative lane/afk'ers.
ANYWAY: did two plat 3 promos, lost the first promo (1-2: Lissandra win (vs Anivia), Swain and Caitlyn losses (vs Ashe/braum). Both losses I had afk's/half afks.
Now I won my series (2-1: Rengar game where I ****ed myself invading their Nasus blue (blueside/close to toplane). I nearly killed him but he managed to escape, then I tried to run but was trapped by Quinn and their midlaner, she got the passive right over the wall to baron, hit me, used Vault and I lost my head and panic flashed so she didn't fall off the wall again and killed me. I had no escape either way but blew the flash. We still recovered midgame (AP Malph top, me Bruiser, mid Orianna) and they had exposed nexus which was 1 auto away from dying when they stopped me QQ, but then our Zyra suicided and they pushed for the win 5vs3 (I tried to backdoor when we baited baron because I didn't realize Quinn had Teleport, as she had never used it AND when I ganked top I asked about her Ignite, which malphite forgot to mention she didn't have. In the end it was my lack of Summoner Spell awareness that got me ****ed)
Elise game was pretty standard: My first three ganks, two gave us kills. I managed to pressure all lanes and get us kills. Lissandra mid also roamed very well and did some impressive plays. We were all extremely coordinated for strangers and chained our CC very appropriately, never giving space for Vi or Zed to run or get their damage going. I was pleased with it all, except when Lissandra told me zed had ulted and when I went to kill him (20 seconds later) he ulted me for the Spree Shutdown (QQ).
Karma game was one of those that makes you wonder "Is this really plat?". Our Lucian has 10 second DCs every 20 minutes starting around minute 4 (lolwat). Their Caitlyn dc'd at level 3 after getting outplayed hard by me and Luc so she based and returned two minutes later. Our Master Yi top got first blood but got raped by Maokai from then on and midlane was a farm fest. Their Maokai with Teleport and Warwick tried the usual 5-man-gank botlane which didn't go half as well as they wished and we were just stronger in teamfights, not to mention caitly was terrible/trolling and their Warwick decided to afk close-ish towards the end.
I swear, the number of afk players in plat is becoming obscene.
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Or you can just cut off your country from the ground and float over to my country. Or vice versa.
brb ordering saws.