Upon seeing Kha'Zix and Jarvan IV, I picked Shen to help our first pick Varus survive team fights. I was met with a Shyvana matchup which I had never done before. Was pretty standard affair though and rushed Sunfire Aegis/ Spirit Visage because Shyvana wasn't as threatening as I thought she would be. I followed up with Blade of the Ruined King to do more damage and use the active to further peel for Varus. My final items would have been Randuin's Omen and Thornmail.
I used Throatslasher's Shen guide's build exactly as written, with health/Mpen Quints and hybrid pen makrs as well as Mpen blues and 9/21 masteries. For skilling order I maxed Vorpal Blade first and Shadow Dash second.
Game Summary:
Early lane went pretty uneventful with me outfarming Shyvana until Vi tried to gank. Jarvan IV has been camping the top brush and surprised us, killing Vi and grabbing first blood. he continued getting a lot of kills across the map and was the most threatening champion on the enemy team. This setback didn't me at all, however and I outplayed Shyvana by baiting her into a poor trade in my creeps, then taunting her there longer, finishing with Vorpal Blade and Ignite. After this my lane was pretty much secure and I destroyed her tower soon after.
However a few ****py fights kept happening elsewhere on the map and 3 times in a row when I ulted in to help someone, they backed off and made the tradeoff horrible. I had to re-iterate that me ulting means to fight and after that things went far more smoothly. Most of our fights were won with a simple Shadow Dash catching Annie or Quinn our of place.
Near mid game I put all of my efforts into peeling for Varus because he was doing the best, and while most of us died every time, usually him and Zed would survive as we aced them. They snuck a Baron and we still aced them using this tactic.
The second time a Baron fight happened I Flash'd and Shadow Dashed onto Annie out of nowhere, and she was promptly bursted down. I held off Kha'Zix and Jarvan IV and Varus got a triple kill. We took Baron then man moded into the base and secured victory!
Things I learned:
Shyvana isn't as scary in lane as I thought. THough, this one had no sustain through runes, and only a Doran's Blade in lane, so she pretty much just got bullied by Vorpal Blades.
Things to work on:
My ult targets. If someone doesn't react fast enough once, they probably wont every time you do it. Vi and Zed wasted 3 of my ults before I decided Varus was a far better target to help.
Questions for MOBAFire:
Do you feel my pick of Shen was the best for this game? I contemplated using Rengar again, and would have used Nasus had he not been banned.
OTGBionicArm wrote:
Thanks guy the suggestions guys. I'll bear that in mind next time I do the match up. What damage item would you have done, Blade of the Ruined King? Bonetooth necklace perhaps? Trinity Force maybe?
Thanks guy the suggestions guys?
I would probably have gone Hydra as I really like it on many champions atm. The others would have been fine but I find trinity force too expensive for what you needed and it doesn't give lifesteal. You looked far from dominating him and being fed so I don't think bonetooth would have been good. Hydra over BotRK is just my preference in that matchup though, either would have worked.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
OTGBionicArm wrote:
Personally, I would not pick based on being able to help out a Varus who might be a terrible player. That's not to say I think the idea itself was bad, but yeah, I trust myself more than others :3
Also, if I understand this correctly, you did not know your opponent yet when you were picking, meaning the logical choice would be to pick the most solid top lane champion you have (the one that wins the most matchups). I don't feel like any of your top lane champions are strong enough to do well in pretty much all matchups except for Nasus, who as you said was banned (other champs who can - imo - safely be picked against pretty much anything if you're good with the champ would be Renekton, Lee Sin and Kennen, for example). Given the fact that Shen is probably still more useful for his team when behind than a Rengar would be, I think going for him makes sense.
Overall though, I think your top roster struggles against range a bit, say someone like Kennen? Again except for Nasus I mean, because he's just stupid :P
Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
Wayne3100 wrote:
Personally, I would not pick based on being able to help out a Varus who might be a terrible player. That's not to say I think the idea itself was bad, but yeah, I trust myself more than others :3
Also, if I understand this correctly, you did not know your opponent yet when you were picking, meaning the logical choice would be to pick the most solid top lane champion you have (the one that wins the most matchups). I don't feel like any of your top lane champions are strong enough to do well in pretty much all matchups except for Nasus, who as you said was banned (other champs who can - imo - safely be picked against pretty much anything if you're good with the champ would be Renekton, Lee Sin and Kennen, for example). Given the fact that Shen is probably still more useful for his team when behind than a Rengar would be, I think going for him makes sense.
Overall though, I think your top roster struggles against range a bit, say someone like Kennen? Again except for Nasus I mean, because he's just stupid :P
I always trust team mates!
idk the only ranged top I play decently well is Quinn lol.
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