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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2017 1:05am | Report
Did the new starting skill work out?

Ish. I mean it definitely helped, but I still get lower than I would like on a three camp clear. I switched out my runes to Armor yellows, MS quints, and 10% CDR (5% flat + 5% scaling) and dropped a point into Vampirism to see I can keep my health up enough to gank after clearing Buff > Wolves > Buff.

Some people are using attack damage marks and some are using attack speed marks. Not really sure what is better overall.

She is getting banned pretty frequently so haven't been able to try the changes out, yet.
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2017 7:01pm | Report
Huh, weird. I've been using AP Quints and AS marks and I've still been doing alright.
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2017 8:40pm | Report
you should practice kiting the jungle camps with your W it really keeps you healthy during your first clear

AS marks are better just so you can get your E off faster, also i go two AP quints and one flat CDR quint and full flat CDR glyphs for the flat 10% CDR early game to kite easier with W

for your mana problems are you using your Q to clear camps? if you are you shouldnt be you dont need to use it to clear

one other start ive been trying out is starting W and doing the wraith camp first then red then wolves then blue try that out after youve practiced kiting the camps with W
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 9, 2017 6:46am | Report
Huh, weird. I've been using AP Quints and AS marks and I've still been doing alright.

I was also running AP Quints.

DillButt64 wrote:
you should practice kiting the jungle camps with your W it really keeps you healthy during your first clear

AS marks are better just so you can get your E off faster, also i go two AP quints and one flat CDR quint and full flat CDR glyphs for the flat 10% CDR early game to kite easier with W

for your mana problems are you using your Q to clear camps? if you are you shouldnt be you dont need to use it to clear

one other start ive been trying out is starting W and doing the wraith camp first then red then wolves then blue try that out after youve practiced kiting the camps with W

I haven't really been kiting the camps and I was using Q on the camps. I'll have to practice the kiting part. Watched Wolf of SKT do some of it so I have an idea of how to do it. Will have to give that a whirl.

And yeah, I was looking at her ratios and not a one AD ratio. So I was wondering why AD marks as as AS seemed liked they would make more sense.

If I can get the kiting down then health/lvl seals make more sense for later scaling.

The CDR/sCDR glyphs seemed to just make sense since she gets so much armor and MR from her passive. Will try the 1 CDR Quint + CDR glyps.

Appreciate the tips! :-)
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 9, 2017 10:26pm | Report

Finally got my 2nd ranked account out of Bronze. Case of futzing around with a lot of off roles. When I switched back to Jungle and Top I started climbing. My opinion of Bronze is basically that there is more variance in the game play. There are games when your team really has no idea of what to do or they have no idea how to use their champions or play a particular matchup. Which basically means you have to trend toward carrying super hard if you want to lower the variance. It gets a little better in Silver and little better in Gold. Don't get me wrong, everyone has some of the same issues and makes the same mistakes, but in one aspect or another it is to a lesser degree.

;tldr do what you can to lower the variance in your games by learning what you should be doing at a particular point in the game and play champions and roles that you are familiar with so that you have a chance of carrying harder.

Full damage Illaoi with 40% CDR is kind of a nightmare to fight in any narrow space. We screwed that up at least twice. Fortunately she is also squishy so Draven just sat in the back and chunked her out after our first couple of screw ups. I operated more like an assassin and peel instead of diving in ham. A) Keep everyone off Draven B) Ult a key target if they stepped out of line. Caught Lucian and Fizz that way a couple of times.

Also self reminder that if Illaoi does ult, just walk away. You can't sustain through it and kill her. It will work the other way around. And it is on a stupidly low cool down if she has Black Cleaver + any other cool down reduction (96/84/72s with just tBC at 20% CDR). So, expect her ult to be back up when you run into her again.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2017 9:27pm | Report

....had this game back under control after me and Galio not really communicating well around ganks, which got Riven some kills early. I finished her off the first time but had to let her go the 2nd time. Our team started sieging their Top outer turret. Graves pushed a big wave into our Bot lane outer turret. I saw it and broke off fromt he fight to deal with it. Would have killed Graves despite the large minion wave but Riven Teleported into the fray and their team managed to stop the rest of our teams backs. Riven and Graves were able to end the game with just the two of them. #feelsbadman.

We actually killed Graves pretty late in the game and I wanted to do Baron after that but my team didn't follow up when I pinged it out after moving there. Sigh.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2017 10:18pm | Report

And shielding comp with a Vayne that was actually half way decent. Their team was semi-organized. Ours was not. And jeebus they have got to fix Ivern. That no interaction buff steal is tilting from the get go. You can deal with it in organized play, but rarely in solo queue. Had my own fun with a laner not doing as expected when ganking. Riven and Darius were both low, I chased Riven into the bush and Darius ran completely around what was left of the minion wave. Like, why would you do that?

We made some progess in Mid game, but it was largely wild West style. Then we went to ham on Ivern when we caught them out after they positioned and managed to get Dragon. Vayne killed everyone.

Bard was either way bad or tilted off the face of the planent because he kept going for the gold and dying for it. Freaking Lich Bane... Redemption would have been nice a time or two.

Wondering if they need and item that cuts shields. There are two freaking masteries and items that enhance shields. Why not something to nullify them. Kind of hard to deal with the situation when a squishy carry suddenly gains the equivalent of 2000 hit points. Guess I'll focus the folks with all the armor?
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2017 11:09pm | Report

Nasus went beast mode on Gangplank, which drew a bunch of pressure to him. We were able to capitalize on some of it. Bot lane and Mid were doing okay. I tunneled a bit too hard on getting and Earth Drake and manage to die twice trying to take it. Partially because my team was slow to react. But whatevs. We eventually caught them trying to set up for Baron and managed to chase them up Top lane killing them front to back. Malzahar was caught off to the side so couldn't joining the fight. I caught him and QSSd his ult and then finished him. Nasus walked in and tanked their turrets with some shielding and healing from Lulu and Soraka. With Vayne, Nasus, and myself wailing on their turrets they fell in short order.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2017 8:58pm | Report

Needed my team not to be stupid and hustle more. We didn't manage either so it what basically became a coin toss that was not a coin toss because stupid.

Late game we had Baron and Orianna decided to push the side wave even though it was Swain with the Teleport. She did a number of idiotic things like that. Even I would have been a better choice given that it would be hard for any of them to dual me, but damned if I could get my team to separate from me, they just kept following me around.

We were teamfighting well with everyone involved, but once we split up the decision making was lacking.
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2017 10:54pm | Report of those games were you are behind and nothing ever goes quite right after that. Should have killed Zed but Bard just happened to be near enough to stun me before I can finish him off while he is running back to his base. We start a fight only to have Corki pick up his package and get there in time to royally screw us over. Really Bards roaming plays are what got them really far ahead. That and things like Twisted Fate not paying attention to the mini-map. Hey you might want to watch out for that Hecarim that is coming in behind you for the 2nd time in this game...

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