Nami's lane presence is wayy stronger than both Annie and Morgana and she can disengage better than them as well. Bubble isn't quite as strong a catch spell as tibbers or morg bind, but its still something, and she has tidal wave as well.
Mordekaiser is completely worthless in higher level play. He provides no cc, pushes all the time, and has no escape. On top of all of that, his burst isn't even long range, nor is it particularly large. Yorick is at least a lane bully who can potentially win you the game by pressing R on your ad carry if he gets fed, and on top of that he is tanky.
AD ezreal of course. His waveclear isn't that bad, especially because if you land a few good mystic shots the enemy laner will probably be zoned from the wave as opposed to pushing you in. You have ult for emergencies as well.
Mordekaiser is completely worthless in higher level play. He provides no cc, pushes all the time, and has no escape. On top of all of that, his burst isn't even long range, nor is it particularly large. Yorick is at least a lane bully who can potentially win you the game by pressing R on your ad carry if he gets fed, and on top of that he is tanky.
AD ezreal of course. His waveclear isn't that bad, especially because if you land a few good mystic shots the enemy laner will probably be zoned from the wave as opposed to pushing you in. You have ult for emergencies as well.
OTGBionicArm wrote:
Why does everyone think that :[
GrandmasterD wrote:
Cooper112 wrote:
I dont agree im able to win more games on Morg she can do much more without her team.
I'm sorry, I should've said “ Morgana doesn't carry for **** against people who are at least half decent at playing this game”, my mistake.
Cooper112 wrote:
Nami needs her team to do anything, at least with morg and annie i feel i can do alot more and solo out people and catch them out nami im waiting for my team or staying back healing and then ulting.
Every support needs a team to win the game, hell, that's what the role implies. Just the fact that Annie can one-shot someone that doesn't mean that Annie actually carries the game. People who play Nami well, will be able to carry far more games – as far that's possible as a support – than those who play Morgana or Annie; there's more versatility.
She's no Thresh though.
GrandmasterD wrote:
I'm sorry, I should've said “ Morgana doesn't carry for **** against people who are at least half decent at playing this game”, my mistake.
Every support needs a team to win the game, hell, that's what the role implies. Just the fact that Annie can one-shot someone that doesn't mean that Annie actually carries the game. People who play Nami well, will be able to carry far more games – as far that's possible as a support – than those who play Morgana or Annie; there's more versatility.
She's no Thresh though.
Of course you need your team somewhat to win but Morg and Annie need them less. Maybe its at level im playing at im only plat 5 right now but i still finding more success with them when i play sup there my default.
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Neither is Morgana, oh wait.I'd rather play Vel'Koz support over either of those if I was going for a carry support, given that he's just bot lane ebola.