FalseoGod wrote:
Can't wait for your thoughts on the new ebola champ.
Remember when invulnerability and getting saved from being a moron and positioning stupidly meant an ultimate was blown? (or maybe an item with a decent cooldown). Now it's an 8 seconds wait. Woo.
Remember when invulnerability and getting saved from being a moron and positioning stupidly meant an ultimate was blown? (or maybe an item with a decent cooldown). Now it's an 8 seconds wait. Woo.
Is that **** really an 8 second cooldown? For god's sake.
Vapora Dark wrote:
hey riot, i know he only just got released, but can you rework tahm kench please? he sounds annoying as ****
Zed ults? Taum presses W on carry. Saved.
Talon goes in? Taum presses W. Saved.
And you could say "Kayle does the same". Yeah, with max CDR she does it every 50 seconds or so.
I played him on the PBE, and I think Riot did a great job with him. Yes, he can be annoying as hell if you don't take him into account. At the same time, there is a lot of counter play available against him.
Yes, his Devour ability has a short cooldown compared to Kayle's ultimate, but Tahm Kench can't deliver the damage or healing that Kayle can. Tahm Kench's entire identity is to be an armored personnel carrier. It's appropriate that he's good at that.
Yes, his Devour ability has a short cooldown compared to Kayle's ultimate, but Tahm Kench can't deliver the damage or healing that Kayle can. Tahm Kench's entire identity is to be an armored personnel carrier. It's appropriate that he's good at that.
FalseoGod wrote:
Trading ultimates for an 8 second cooldown ability that can save people who don't have the brain to position correctly rustles my jimmies
Then you just kill Tahm Kench before he can get away. Even with the small speed increase he gets with a teammate inside him, he doesn't have much mobility. Besides, there are lots of supports who can rescue people out of position with their abilities. Nami bubble, Soraka heals and silence, Lulu shield and whimsy, Thresh's lantern, etc.
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Remember when invulnerability and getting saved from being a moron and positioning stupidly meant an ultimate was blown? (or maybe an item with a decent cooldown). Now it's an 8 seconds wait. Woo.