Come hang out when I'm streaming!
I'll tell you if ELO hell exists when I start playing ranked.
*spoilers* It doesn't. :P
*spoilers* It doesn't. :P
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
ELO Hell is simply a name people attach to it. A lot of players seem to think they are better than others and deserve to be at a higher ELO, but 9 times out of 10 it's just not true.
Pointing out the mistakes of others and blaming them is much easier than seeing what you could've done better yourself, too.
Pointing out the mistakes of others and blaming them is much easier than seeing what you could've done better yourself, too.
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
Ask anybody who's head isn't up their ***, denied again.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
If you're below 1200 and you honestly think you're deserving of higher, just win your lane and assist your teammates. People below 1200 overextend or are so passive. If you are truly a good player, just take their mistakes and make them pay for it. Your team mates can't feed if you're ganking for them a lot and forcing them to snowball correct? If you feel like you don't deserve to be there, win your lane fast and snowball teammates for a guaranteed win.
The biggest difference between 1000 to 1400 elo isn't player skill, but the purchasing of sight wards, map awareness, and team coordination. Seriously, even if your the carry you need to be purchasing wards in low elo games. Map sight is the single greatest factor in many low elo games and most low elo players will stay low elo until they realize this.
+Rep me if i'm useful!
It's also player skill, 1300 and below is a joke.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
BusDriver210 wrote:
The biggest difference between 1000 to 1400 elo isn't player skill, but the purchasing of sight wards, map awareness, and team coordination. Seriously, even if your the carry you need to be purchasing wards in low elo games. Map sight is the single greatest factor in many low elo games and most low elo players will stay low elo until they realize this.
I'm not so sure about the wards. I'm at about 1450 right now, and only the support (usually me) tends to buy much in the way of wards. The jungler might buy a few, but top and mid have this funny tendency to end up unwarded a lot of the time. And the support is usually the only one providing much map vision in the mid to late game, walking around and warding.
This isn't to say that I disagree with the sentiment, vision is a huge difference between higher and lower ELO games. But I'm unsure if 1400 is really all that much "higher" in terms of this. Though around 1400, the support is at least expected to buy and use wards.
OTGBionicArm wrote: Armored wimminz = badass.
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