and moar qq, i go 7/2 with ap tf before 17 mins, i help out with ganks and help bot come out of a horrible start.. then suddenly guess what ? i get no protection at all :D eve just flash+ults to me, i stun her go out poke poke poke, deal the highest damage in the team.. then riven jumps on me... nobody gives a sht.
I still ended up doing the second highest damage in game, next to their graves and i was the reason we even lasted 40 mins -____-.
and to top it all off.. our udyr screamed and raged at me because apparently split pushing and focusing their graves made me an idiot. =D
I still ended up doing the second highest damage in game, next to their graves and i was the reason we even lasted 40 mins -____-.
and to top it all off.. our udyr screamed and raged at me because apparently split pushing and focusing their graves made me an idiot. =D
XeresAce wrote:
So i play jungle mundo(which i suck at, but i was forced to)
things go well early
bot is even, top is even, mid is gettin wrecked and wtv.
i gank mid, im about to kill cassio BUT our gp flashes in her miasma to last hit with Q and then dies to poison like a baus.
then i dc.. and shyvana comes in and kills me..
then i gank bot, i go on draven, keep him locked down, ALMOST KILL HIM and then die.
Trist and sona decide to focus leona instead.. instead of a double kill we get 1 kill and 1 death e.e
then i go mid again.. and i die.. due to a 5man towerdive on me and gp and vlad and bot not reacting.
Then i just give up 8l
The guy playing GP is a Bankplank, sigh.
DC in a ranked match sucks a ton though.
We get a premade bot.
ad carry on hit teemo with ap runes and support volibear.
fed noc, fed fizz, fed cait.
Edit: same thing happened 2 more games.. in a row
**** this
We get a premade bot.
ad carry on hit teemo with ap runes and support volibear.
fed noc, fed fizz, fed cait.
Edit: same thing happened 2 more games.. in a row
**** this
MyRepublic wrote:
You mean you SECURED a penta from your ADC. It's all in the wording bro.
No no no. It was a steal. Cait's ult bullet was in the air and I Vorpal Bladed them for the kill.
She got 2 quadras that match and I fed her both of them. I still feel terrible for stealing that kill. ;-;
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So i play jungle mundo(which i suck at, but i was forced to)
things go well early
bot is even, top is even, mid is gettin wrecked and wtv.
i gank mid, im about to kill cassio BUT our gp flashes in her miasma to last hit with Q and then dies to poison like a baus.
then i dc.. and shyvana comes in and kills me..
then i gank bot, i go on draven, keep him locked down, ALMOST KILL HIM and then die.
Trist and sona decide to focus leona instead.. instead of a double kill we get 1 kill and 1 death e.e
then i go mid again.. and i die.. due to a 5man towerdive on me and gp and vlad and bot not reacting.
Then i just give up 8l